#Requires -Version 5.0 <# .SYNOPSIS Tests to see if we have any passwords embedded in source code .NOTES Desperate need of some parameter sets .EXAMPLE #> function Test-ContentNoPassword { Param( $RootPath = '.', $FileList, $FilePath, $FileContent, $Include, $Exclude ) $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' $includeExclude = @{ Include = $Include Exclude = $Exclude } function Test-NoPassword { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute( <#Category#>'PSReviewUnusedParameter',<#CheckId#>'FilePath', Justification = 'it is being used - false warning' )] param( $Contents, $FilePath ) $Contents | Select-String -Pattern 'password=(?!"")' | ForEach-Object { throw "Possible Password in $($FilePath). Please remove before committing. Line:$($_.LineNumber)" } } if ($FileContent) { if (Get-Item -Path $FilePath @includeExclude) { Test-NoPassword -Contents $FileContent -FilePath $FilePath } } else { if ($FileList) { $files = Get-Item -Path $FileList } else { $files = Get-ChildItem $RootPath -Recurse @includeExclude } foreach ($file in $files) { Test-NoPassword -Contents ($file | Get-Content) -FilePath $file.FullName } } } |