BeforeAll { $TestPSPath = $PSCommandPath.Replace('.Tests.ps1', '.ps1') Write-Information $TestPSPath -InformationAction Continue if (-not ([appdomain]::currentdomain.GetAssemblies() | where-object { $_.ManifestModule -like "*Vega?VegaDW?library?classes?PropertyName.ps1" })) { # add class if we are missing it . "$PSScriptRoot\classes\PropertyName.ps1" } Set-StrictMode -Version 2 } Describe "library\ConvertTo-Array testinput1" { BeforeEach { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', '', Justification = "Script Analyzer doesn't deal with scope blocks well. Pester allows these variables to be used in other child scopes and we do use them, so the warning is incorrect")] # we reset this each test as unless in readonly mode, this will be changed $testInput1 = @' { "Name": "TestObject1", "Fields": { "Field1":{ "DataType": "string" }, "Field2":{ "DataType": "int" } } } '@ | ConvertFrom-Json [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', '', Justification = "Script Analyzer doesn't deal with scope blocks well. Pester allows these variables to be used in other child scopes and we do use them, so the warning is incorrect")] $testInput2 = @' { "Name": "TestObject2", "Fields": { "Name":{ "DataType": "string" }, "Age":{ "DataType": "int" } } } '@ | ConvertFrom-Json } It "returns name,datatype array for testInput1.fields" { $expected = @( [PSCustomObject]@{ DataType = "string" Name = [PropertyName]("Field1") }, [PSCustomObject]@{ DataType = "int" Name = [PropertyName]("Field2") } ) $actual = (& $TestPSPath -InputObject $testInput1.fields) try { @($actual), @($expected) | Test-Equality | Should -BeTrue } catch { Write-Information "Expected`n`r$($expected | ConvertTo-Json)" -InformationAction Continue Write-Information "Actual`n`r$($actual | ConvertTo-Json)" -InformationAction Continue throw } } It "returns name,datatype array for testInput2.fields" { $expected = @( [PSCustomObject]@{ DataType = "string" Name = [PropertyName]("Name") }, [PSCustomObject]@{ DataType = "int" Name = [PropertyName]("Age") } ) $actual = (& $TestPSPath -InputObject $testInput2.fields) try { @($actual), @($expected) | Test-Equality | Should -BeTrue } catch { Write-Information "Expected`n`r$($expected | ConvertTo-Json)" -InformationAction Continue Write-Information "Actual`n`r$($actual | ConvertTo-Json)" -InformationAction Continue throw } } It "returns exception for testInput1 with default Name PropertyName" { { (& $TestPSPath -InputObject $testInput2) } | Should -Throw 'We already have a property in the property Fields called Name, please indicate a different PropertyName with the AddPropertyNameAs parameter' } It "returns Custom Name for the top level" { $expected = @( [PSCustomObject]@{ Value = "TestObject2" Section = [PropertyName]("Name") }, [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = [PSCustomObject]@{DataType = "string" } Age = [PSCustomObject]@{DataType = "int" } Section = [PropertyName]("Fields") } ) $actual = (& $TestPSPath -InputObject $testInput2 -AddPropertyNameAs 'Section') try { @($actual), @($expected) | Test-Equality | Should -BeTrue } catch { Write-Information "Expected`n`r$($expected | ConvertTo-Json)" -InformationAction Continue Write-Information "Actual`n`r$($actual | ConvertTo-Json)" -InformationAction Continue throw } } It "Ignores already added Custom Names" { $expected = @( [PSCustomObject]@{ Value = "TestObject1" Section = [PropertyName]("Name") }, [PSCustomObject]@{ Field1 = [PSCustomObject]@{DataType = "string" } Field2 = [PSCustomObject]@{DataType = "int" } Section = [PropertyName]("Fields") } ) $actual = (& $TestPSPath -InputObject $testInput1 -AddPropertyNameAs 'Section') $actual = (& $TestPSPath -InputObject $testInput1 -AddPropertyNameAs 'Section') # call twice try { @($actual), @($expected) | Test-Equality | Should -BeTrue } catch { Write-Information "Expected`n`r$($expected | ConvertTo-Json)" -InformationAction Continue Write-Information "Actual`n`r$($actual | ConvertTo-Json)" -InformationAction Continue throw } } } |