
#Requires -Version 5.0
using namespace System.Collections.Generic


function Import-Dependency {

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "DependencyPath", Mandatory)]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ScriptName", Mandatory)]

        # The destination folder to install to (if required). If not provided uses the current working directory. Will create Depend-Nuget and Depend-WebDownload folders below this folder.
    try {
        Set-StrictMode -Version 2
        $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

        $splat = @{}
        if ($DependencyPaths) { $splat.Add('DependencyPaths', $DependencyPaths) }
        if ($ScriptNames) { $splat.Add('ScriptNames', $ScriptNames) }
        if ($DependencyConfig) { $splat.Add('DependencyConfig', $DependencyConfig) }
        if ($DestinationFolder) { $splat.Add('DestinationFolder', $DestinationFolder) }
        $groupedDependencies = Get-Dependency @splat

        foreach ($typeGroup in $groupedDependencies) {
            if ($typeGroup.Name -eq 'PackageProvider') {
            elseif ($typeGroup.Name -eq 'WebDownload') {
            elseif ($typeGroup.Name -eq 'Module') {
                foreach ($dependency in $typeGroup.Group) {
                    Write-Verbose "Import-Module $($ $($dependency.version)"

                    $splat = @{
                        Name = $dependency.Name

                    if ($dependency.PSObject.Properties['forceImport']) {
                        # force the import in case we already are using it
                        $splat.Add('Force', $true)

                    if ($dependency.PSObject.Properties['Version']) {
                        $splat.Add('RequiredVersion', ($dependency.version).Replace('-preview', ''))

                ("Import-Module parameters" + ($splat | Format-Table | Out-String)) | Write-Verbose
                    try {
                        Import-Module @splat 3> $null
                    catch {
                        Write-Warning "Import-Module $($ $($dependency.version) failed with $_. For more details run with -verbose" # add details on existing version as expect this has a different version loaded
                        $_ | Get-Error | Out-String | Write-Verbose
            elseif ($typeGroup.Name -eq 'Nuget') {
                Write-Verbose 'Initialising Nuget Payload'
                foreach ($nugetConfigItem in ($typeGroup.Group | Where-Object { $_.PSObject.Properties['copyItemFromPackage'] } )) {
                    foreach ($copyItem in $nugetConfigItem.copyItemFromPackage) {
                        $fromPackage = $typeGroup.Group | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $copyItem.FromPackageName }

                        if (-not $fromPackage) {
                            throw "Can't find package $copyItem.FromPackageName in set of nuget Packages. Ensure that it exists in the dependency config and that it exists for the current PSEdition and same 'script'"

                        $typeArgs = @{
                            Path        = Join-Path (Join-Path $fromPackage.Destination $fromPackage.Name) $copyItem.fromPath
                            Destination = Join-Path (Join-Path $nugetConfigItem.Destination $nugetConfigItem.Name) $copyItem.toPath
                            Force       = $true
                            Confirm     = $false
                        $destinationPath = (Join-Path $typeArgs.Destination (Split-Path -Leaf $typeArgs.Path)) # destination is only the folder so add the filename to it
                        $destinationExists = Test-Path -Path $destinationPath

                        if ((
                                -not $destinationExists
                            ) -or (
                                $destinationExists -and
                            (Get-Item -Path $typeArgs.Path).LastWriteTime -ne # source has a different date
                                (Get-Item -Path $destinationPath).LastWriteTime
                        ) {
                        ('$typeArgs = @{') +
                        ($typeArgs.GetEnumerator() | Foreach-Object { "`n`t{0} = '{1}'" -f @($_.Name, $_.Value) }) +
                        ("`n}`n") +
                                "Copy-Item @typeArgs -verbose"
                            ) | Write-Verbose

                            Copy-Item @typeArgs

                foreach ($nugetConfigItem in ($typeGroup.Group | Where-Object { $_.PSObject.Properties['addType'] } )) {
                    foreach ($typePath in $nugetConfigItem.addType) {
                        $typeArgs = @{
                            DependencyFolder = (Split-Path -Parent -Path $nugetConfigItem.Destination)
                            NugetPackageName = $nugetConfigItem.Name
                            PathToDll        = $typePath
                        Add-TypeFromNugetPackage @typeArgs

                foreach ($nugetConfigItem in ($typeGroup.Group | Where-Object { $_.PSObject.Properties['importModule'] } )) {
                    foreach ($importModulePath in $nugetConfigItem.importModule) {
                        $typeArgs = @{
                            DependencyFolder = (Split-Path -Parent -Path $nugetConfigItem.Destination)
                            NugetPackageName = $nugetConfigItem.Name
                            PathToPsm1       = $importModulePath
                        Import-ModuleFromNugetPackage @typeArgs
            else {
                Write-Error "Type $($typeGroup.Name) not expected. No installer known"
    catch {