function Get-Dependency { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [PSCustomObject] $DependencyConfig, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "DependencyPath", Mandatory)] [Alias('DependencyPath')] [string[]] $DependencyPaths, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ScriptName", Mandatory)] [Alias('ScriptName')] [string[]] $ScriptNames, [Parameter()] [string] # The destination folder to install to (if required). The gitroot will be found and folders added to the named subfolder e.g. application will result in c:\gitroot\application\... $DestinationFolder ) try { if (-not $DestinationFolder) { $DestinationFolder = Find-Item -ItemName '.git' -Directory -Parent } $moduleFolder = $DestinationFolder $destinationTypes = 'Nuget','WebDownload' # $dependencyBuilder = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]::new() $dependencyBuilder = @{} foreach ($type in ($DependencyConfig.ToArray())) { Write-Debug "looking at $type" foreach ($dependency in ($type | ConvertTo-Array -AddProperties @{Type = $type.Name })) { Write-Debug "looking at $($dependency | Format-List | Out-String)" $loopDependencyPath = "$($dependency.Type)\\$($dependency.Name)" $destination = Join-Path $moduleFolder "Depend-$($dependency.Type)" if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ScriptName') { foreach ($scriptName in $ScriptNames) { if ($dependency.scripts -contains $scriptName) { if ($dependency.Type -in $destinationTypes) { $dependency | Add-Member 'destination' $destination -force } # only add if we don't already have it if (-not $dependencyBuilder.Contains($loopDependencyPath)) { $dependencyBuilder.Add($loopDependencyPath, $dependency) } } } } else { foreach ($DependencyPath in $DependencyPaths) { $splitDependencyPath = ($DependencyPath.split('\'.ToCharArray())) $type = $splitDependencyPath[0] $name = $splitDependencyPath[1] if (-not ('WebDownload', 'Nuget', 'Module', 'PackageProvider').Contains($type)) { throw "$type is not a known installer type (from $DependencyPath)" } if ($dependency.type -eq $type -and $ -eq $name) { Write-Debug "Found $($dependency | Format-List | Out-String)" if ($dependency.Type -in $destinationTypes) { $dependency | Add-Member 'destination' $destination -force } # only add if we don't already have it if (-not $dependencyBuilder.Contains($loopDependencyPath)) { $dependencyBuilder.Add($loopDependencyPath, $dependency) } } } } } } if ($dependencyBuilder.Count -eq 0) { throw "No dependencies found for $($ScriptNames)$($DependencyPaths)" } $groupByType = (@($dependencyBuilder.GetEnumerator()).Value | Group-Object -Property Type) $loadOrder = [scriptblock] { switch ($_.Name) { 'PackageProvider' { 1 } 'WebDownload' { 2 } 'Module' { 3 } 'Nuget' { 4 } Default { 5 } } } Write-Output $groupByType | Sort-Object $loadOrder } catch { throw } } |