.SYNOPSIS Short description .DESCRIPTION Long description .PARAMETER NugetPath Path to Nuget .PARAMETER OrganisationName Azure Devops Organisation .PARAMETER ProjectName Azure Devops Project (if project scoped) .PARAMETER FeedName Artifacts Feed .PARAMETER LegacyAddress Whether we are using legacy addressing mode .PARAMETER Username Username to access the feed .PARAMETER Password Password to access the feed .EXAMPLE $splat = @{ NugetPath = $nugetPath OrganisationName = 'yourOrg' ProjectName = 'yourProj' FeedName = 'Feed' LegacyAddress = $true Username = 'Personal Access Token' Password = $azureDevOpsPat } Register-NugetArtifactSource @splat .NOTES General notes #> function Register-NugetArtifactSource { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)][string]$NugetPath, [Parameter(Mandatory)][string]$OrganisationName, [Parameter()][string]$ProjectName, [Parameter(Mandatory)][string]$FeedName, [Parameter()][switch]$LegacyAddress, [Parameter()][string]$Username, [Parameter()][SecureString]$Password, [Parameter()][switch]$Force ) $splat = @{ OrganisationName = $OrganisationName ProjectName = $ProjectName FeedName = $FeedName LegacyAddress = $LegacyAddress } $source = Get-ArtifactSource @splat $installedSources = Get-NugetSource -NugetPath $NugetPath if ($source -in $installedSources.Source -and $Force) { & $NugetPath sources Remove -Name $FeedName -Source $source } if ($source -notIn $installedSources.Source -or $force) { & $NugetPath sources Add -Name $FeedName -Source $source -username $Username -password ($Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString -AsPlainText) if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { throw 'nuget sources add returned an error' } } else { Write-Verbose 'nuget source already exists' } } |