
#Requires -Version 5.0
using namespace System.Collections.Generic


function Install-Dependency {
        # All required dependencies for the application

        # Repository configuration providing passwords for each repo

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "DependencyPath", Mandatory)]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ScriptName", Mandatory)]

        # The destination folder to install to (if required). If not provided uses the current working directory. Will create Depend-Nuget and Depend-WebDownload folders below this folder.

        # By default we won't install if already installed. Force will first remove then install again

        # Automatically import after install

        # if set will force the scope (useful for server installation where you want installation to be for all users)
        [ValidateSet('', 'AllUsers', 'CurrentUser')]
    try {
        Set-StrictMode -Version 2
        $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

        # get the dependencies asked for
        $dependencySplat = @{
            DestinationFolder = $DestinationFolder
        if ($DependencyPaths) { $dependencySplat.Add('DependencyPaths', $DependencyPaths) }
        if ($ScriptNames) { $dependencySplat.Add('ScriptNames', $ScriptNames) }
        if ($DependencyConfig) { $dependencySplat.Add('DependencyConfig', $DependencyConfig) }
        $groupedDependencies = Get-Dependency @dependencySplat

        if ($ScriptNames) {
            Write-Host "Installing Dependencies for Scripts: $([string]::Join(', ', $ScriptNames))"
        elseif ($DependencyPaths) {
            Write-Host "Installing Dependencies for Dependency Paths: $([string]::Join(', ', $DependencyPaths))"

        # install them
        foreach ($typeGroup in $groupedDependencies) {
            if ($typeGroup.Name -eq 'PackageProvider') {
                foreach ($dependency in $typeGroup.Group) {
                    $splat = @{
                        Name            = $
                        RequiredVersion = $Dependency.Version
                        Force           = $Force

            elseif ($typeGroup.Name -eq 'WebDownload') {
                foreach ($dependency in $typeGroup.Group) {
                    $splat = @{
                        Name        = $
                        Version     = $Dependency.Version
                        Url         = $Dependency.Url
                        Destination = $Dependency.destination
                        Force       = $Force

                    Install-DependencyWebDownload @splat
            elseif ($typeGroup.Name -eq 'Module') {
                foreach ($dependency in $typeGroup.Group) {

                    $splat = @{
                        Name            = $
                        RequiredVersion = $Dependency.Version
                        Force           = $Force
                        # ForceImport = [bool]$Dependency.PSObject.Properties['forceImport']
                    if ($Dependency.PSObject.Properties['preRelease']) {
                        $splat.Add('PreRelease', $Dependency.PreRelease)
                    if ($Dependency.PSObject.Properties['allowClobber']) {
                        $splat.Add('AllowClobber', $Dependency.AllowClobber)

                    if ($ForceScope) {
                        $splat.Add('ForceScope', $ForceScope)
                    elseif ($Dependency.PSObject.Properties['ForceScope']) {
                        $splat.Add('ForceScope', $Dependency.ForceScope)

                    if ($Dependency.PSObject.Properties['Repository']) {
                        $splat.Add('Repository', $Dependency.Repository)
                        if ($RepositoryConfig -and
                            $RepositoryConfig.HasProperties() -and
                            $RepositoryConfig.PSObject.Properties[$Dependency.Repository] -and
                        ) {
                            $artifactConfig = $RepositoryConfig."$($Dependency.Repository)".AdoArtifact
                        ("Artifact Configuration for this Repository" + ($artifactConfig | Format-List | Out-String)) | Write-Verbose
                            if ($artifactConfig.PSObject.Properties['Password']) {
                                $splat.Add('Credential', (Get-CredentialSilently -Username $artifactConfig.Username -Password $artifactConfig.Password))

                    Install-DependencyPSModule @splat
            elseif ($typeGroup.Name -eq 'Nuget') {
                $splat = @{
                    # TODO put nuget in the path so we don't need to absolute it
                    NugetPath   = (Join-Path (Split-Path -Parent -Path $typeGroup.Group[0].Destination) 'Depend-WebDownload\NuGet\nuget.exe')
                    Destination = $typeGroup.Group[0].destination

                # Install-DependencyNuget @splat
                $typeGroup.Group | Format-List | Out-String | Write-Verbose
                $nuGetConfigTemplate = @"
<!-- DO NOT CHANGE THIS: This is autogenerated by Install-Dependency so anything you do here will be undone. Use to control what gets installed by which script-->
<packages>$($typeGroup.Group | Foreach-Object { [string]::format("`n`t<package id=""{0}"" version=""{1}"" />",$_.Name,$_.version)})

                $nuGetConfigFolderName = "Install-Dependency-Nuget$(([IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension([IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName())))"
                $nuGetConfigFolder = "$(Join-Path ($env:TMP) $nuGetConfigFolderName)"
                try {
                    $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory $nuGetConfigFolder -Force
                    $nuGetConfigPath = Join-Path $nuGetConfigFolder "packages.config"
                    Write-Verbose "Generated File: $nuGetConfigPath `n----------------------------`n$nuGetConfigTemplate`n----------------------------"
                    $null = New-Item -ItemType File -Path $nuGetConfigPath -Value $nuGetConfigTemplate -Force
                    Install-DependencyNuget -ConfigPath $nuGetConfigPath @splat
                finally {
                    Remove-Item $nuGetConfigFolder -force -recurse -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' # cleanup, although with whatif this will error so ignore it
            else {
                Write-Error "Type $($typeGroup.Name) not expected. No installer known"

        if ($Import) {
            & Import-Dependency @dependencySplat
    catch {