.SYNOPSIS Short description .DESCRIPTION Long description .PARAMETER NugetPath Parameter description .PARAMETER FeedName Parameter description .PARAMETER ModulePath Parameter description .PARAMETER VersionIncrementType Parameter description .PARAMETER ApiKey Parameter description .EXAMPLE $splat = @{ NugetPath = ($VegaContext.nugetPath) FeedName = 'Vega' ModulePath = 'module\PSEasy.Module' } Publish-NugetPackage @splat -VersionIncrementType None .NOTES General notes #>#> function Publish-NugetPackage { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)][string]$NugetPath, [Parameter(Mandatory)][string]$ModulePath, [Parameter(Mandatory)][string]$FeedName, [Parameter(Mandatory)][ValidateSet('Major', 'Minor', 'Patch', 'None')][string]$VersionIncrementType, [Parameter()][string]$ApiKey = 'any key will do' ) $moduleName = (Split-Path $ModulePath -Leaf) $nuspecPath = (Join-Path $ModulePath "$moduleName.nuspec") if (-not (Test-Path $nuspecPath)) { # build nuspec Push-Location $ModulePath try { & $NugetPath Spec $moduleName if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { throw 'nuget spec returned an error' } } finally { Pop-Location } } # update version Set-ModuleVersion -ModulePath $ModulePath -VersionIncrementType $VersionIncrementType # TODO set other things (e.g. description) in the nuspec from the .build-module.config # build nupkg & $NugetPath Pack $nuspecPath -OutputFileNamesWithoutVersion -NonInteractive -NoPackageAnalysis -OutputDirectory $ModulePath if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { throw 'nuget pack returned an error' } # publish & $NugetPath Push -Source $FeedName -ApiKey $ApiKey (Join-Path $ModulePath "$ModuleName.nupkg") if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { throw 'nuget push returned an error' } } |