
Creates a new connection to a DuckDB database.
The New-DuckDBConnection function creates a new connection to a DuckDB database using the specified path.
The path to the DuckDB database file. If not specified, the connection will be created to an in-memory database.
PS C:\> New-DuckDBConnection
Creates a new connection to an in-memory DuckDB database.
PS C:\> $connection = New-DuckDBConnection .\sales.csv
Creates a new connection to a DuckDB database using the specified CSV file.

function New-DuckDBConnection {
    param (
        [string]$Path = ":memory:"
    [DuckDB.NET.Data.DuckDBConnection]::new("Data Source=$Path")

Executes a SQL query on a DuckDB connection.
This script method executes a SQL query on a DuckDB connection. It checks if the connection is open, and if not, it opens the connection. It then creates a command object, sets the command text to the provided query, and executes the command. The result is returned as a DuckDBDataReader object.
The SQL query to be executed.
PS> $connection.sql("SELECT * FROM Customers")
This example executes the SQL query "SELECT * FROM Customers" on the DuckDB connection object named $connection.

Update-TypeData -TypeName 'DuckDB.NET.Data.DuckDBConnection' -MemberType ScriptMethod -MemberName sql -Force -Value {
    if ($this.State -ne 'Open') {
    $cmd = $this.CreateCommand()
    $cmd.CommandText = $query

    $reader = $cmd.ExecuteReader()

    Out-DuckData $reader

Closes the DuckDB connection and disposes of any associated resources.
The CloseDB method is used to close the DuckDB connection and dispose of any associated resources such as the reader and command objects.
None. You cannot pipe objects to this method.
None. This method does not generate any output.
This example demonstrates how to use the CloseDB method to close the DuckDB connection.

Update-TypeData -TypeName 'DuckDB.NET.Data.DuckDBConnection' -MemberType ScriptMethod -MemberName CloseDB -Force -Value {
    if ($null -ne $reader) {

    if ($null -ne $cmd) {
