
#Setup default paths for module in user home dir

$script:seperator = [io.path]::DirectorySeparatorChar

switch ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition) {

    'Desktop' {

        $userDir = $env:USERPROFILE


    'Core' {

        switch ($PSVersionTable.Platform) {

            'Win32NT' {
                $userDir = $env:USERPROFILE
            'Unix' {
                $userDir = $env:HOME

$script:defaultPsDsDir = (Join-Path -Path $userDir -ChildPath '.psdshook')
$script:configDir      = "$($defaultPsDsDir)$($seperator)configs"
class DiscordColor {
    [int]$DecimalColor = $null
    [string]$HexColor  = [string]::Empty

        $embedColor = 8311585
        $this.HexColor     = "0x$([Convert]::ToString($embedColor, 16).ToUpper())"
        $this.DecimalColor = $embedColor

        $this.DecimalColor = $hex
        $this.HexColor     = "0x$([Convert]::ToString($hex, 16).ToUpper())"


        [int]$embedColor = $null

        try {

            $embedColor = $color

        catch {
            switch ($Color) {

                'blue' {

                    $embedColor = 4886754

                'red' {

                    $embedColor = 13632027


                'orange' {

                    $embedColor = 16098851


                'yellow' {

                    $embedColor = 16312092


                'brown' {

                    $embedColor = 9131818


                'lightGreen' {

                    $embedColor = 8311585


                'green' {

                    $embedColor = 4289797


                'pink' {

                    $embedColor = 12390624


                'purple' {

                    $embedColor = 9442302


                'black' {

                    $embedColor = 1

                'white' {

                    $embedColor = 16777215


                'gray' {

                    $embedColor = 10197915


                default {

                    $embedColor = 1


        $this.HexColor     = "0x$([Convert]::ToString($embedColor, 16).ToUpper())"
        $this.DecimalColor = $embedColor


        $this.DecimalColor = $this.ConvertFromRgb($r, $g, $b)

        [int]$decimalValue = [Convert]::ToDecimal($hex)

        return $decimalValue

        $hexR = [Convert]::ToString($r, 16).ToUpper()
        if ($hexR.Length -eq 1)
            $hexR = "0$hexR"

        $hexG = [Convert]::ToString($g, 16).ToUpper()
        if ($hexG.Length -eq 1)
            $hexG = "0$hexG"

        $hexB = [Convert]::ToString($b, 16).ToUpper()
        if ($hexB.Length -eq 1)
            $hexB = "0$hexB"

        [string]$hexValue     = "0x$hexR$hexG$hexB"
        $this.HexColor        = $HexValue
        [string]$decimalValue = $this.ConvertFromHex([int]$hexValue)

        return $decimalValue

        return $this.DecimalColor
class DiscordConfig {
    [string]$HookUrl = [string]::Empty


        $this.HookUrl      = $url      

        Write-Verbose "Exporting configuration information to -> [$path]"

        $folderPath = Split-Path -Path $path

        if (!(Test-Path -Path $folderPath))
            Write-Verbose "Creating folder -> [$folderPath]"
            New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $folderPath            

        $this | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath $path

        Write-Verbose "Importing configuration from -> [$configPath]"

        $configSettings = Get-Content -Path $configPath -ErrorAction Stop | ConvertFrom-Json

        $this.HookUrl = $configSettings.HookUrl 
class DiscordField {    
    [bool]$inline = $false

        $  = $name
        $this.value = $value

        $   = $name
        $this.value  = $value
        $this.inline = $inline
class DiscordThumbnail {
    [string]$url = [string]::Empty
    [int]$width  = $null
    [int]$height = $null

        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($url))
            Write-Error "Please provide a url!"
            $this.url = $url

        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($url))
            Write-Error "Please provide a url!"
            $this.url    = $url
            $this.height = $height
            $this.width  = $width
class DiscordImage {    
    [string]$url      = [string]::Empty
    [string]$proxyUrl = [string]::Empty
    [int]$width       = $null
    [int]$height      = $null

        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($url))
            Write-Error "Please provide a url!"
            $this.url = $url

        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($url) -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($proxyUrl))
            Write-Error "Please provide: a url and proxyurl"
            $this.url      = $url
            $this.proxyUrl = $proxyUrl

        if (
            [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($url)      -and 
            [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($proxyUrl) -and
            !$width -and !($height)
            Write-Error "Please provide: a url and proxyurl"
            $this.url      = $url
            $this.proxyUrl = $proxyUrl        
            $this.height   = $height
            $this.width    = $width

class DiscordAuthor {
    [string]$name           = [string]::Empty
    [string]$url            = [string]::Empty
    [string]$icon_url       = [string]::Empty
    [string]$proxy_icon_url = [string]::Empty

        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($name))
            Write-Error "Please provide a name!"
            $ = $name

        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($name))
            Write-Error "Please provide a name and icon url"
            $       = $name
            $this.'icon_url' = $icon_url
class DiscordFooter {
    [string]$text           = [string]::Empty
    [string]$icon_url       = [string]::Empty
    [string]$proxy_icon_url = [string]::Empty

        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($text))
            Write-Error "Please provide some footer text!"
            $this.text = $text

        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($text))
            Write-Error "Please provide some text and an icon url"
            $this.text       = $text
            $this.'icon_url' = $icon_url
class DiscordEmbed {
    [string]$title                        = [string]::Empty
    [string]$description                  = [string]::Empty
    [System.Collections.ArrayList]$fields = @()
    [string]$color                        = [DiscordColor]::New().ToString()   
    $thumbnail                            = [string]::Empty
    $image                                = [string]::Empty
    $author                               = [string]::Empty
    $footer                               = [string]::Empty
    $url                                  = [string]::Empty

        Write-Error "Please provide a title and description (and optionally, a color)!"

        $this.title       = $embedTitle
        $this.description = $embedDescription

        [string]      $embedTitle, 
        [string]      $embedDescription, 
        $this.title       = $embedTitle
        $this.description = $embedDescription
        $this.color       = $embedColor.ToString()

        if ($field.PsObject.TypeNames[0] -eq 'DiscordField')
            Write-Verbose "Adding field to field array!"
            $this.Fields.Add($field) | Out-Null
            Write-Error "Did not receive a [DiscordField] object!"

        if ($thumbNail.PsObject.TypeNames[0] -eq 'DiscordThumbnail')
            $this.thumbnail = $thumbNail
            Write-Error "Did not receive a [DiscordThumbnail] object!"

        if ($image.PsObject.TypeNames[0] -eq 'DiscordImage')
            $this.image = $image
            Write-Error "Did not receive a [DiscordImage] object!"

        if ($author.PsObject.TypeNames[0] -eq 'DiscordAuthor')
            $ = $author
            Write-Error "Did not receive a [DiscordAuthor] object!"

        if ($footer.PsObject.TypeNames[0] -eq 'DiscordFooter')
            $this.footer = $footer
            Write-Error "Did not receive a [DiscordFooter] object!"

        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($url))
            $this.url = $url
            Write-Error "Please provide a url!"

        $this.color = $color
    [System.Collections.ArrayList] ListFields()
        return $this.Fields
class DiscordFile {

    [string]$FilePath                                  = [string]::Empty
    [string]$FileName                                  = [string]::Empty
    [string]$FileTitle                                 = [string]::Empty
    [System.Net.Http.MultipartFormDataContent]$Content = [System.Net.Http.MultipartFormDataContent]::new()
    [System.IO.FileStream]$Stream                      = $null

        $this.FilePath  = $FilePath
        $this.FileName  = Split-Path $filePath -Leaf
        $this.fileTitle = $this.FileName.Substring(0,$this.FileName.LastIndexOf('.'))
        $fileContent = $this.GetFileContent($FilePath)

        $fileStream                             = [System.IO.FileStream]::new($filePath, [System.IO.FileMode]::Open)
        $fileHeader                             = [System.Net.Http.Headers.ContentDispositionHeaderValue]::new("form-data")
        $fileHeader.Name                        = $this.fileTitle
        $fileHeader.FileName                    = $this.FileName
        $fileContent                            = [System.Net.Http.StreamContent]::new($fileStream)        
        $fileContent.Headers.ContentDisposition = $fileHeader
        $fileContent.Headers.ContentType        = [System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue]::Parse("text/plain")   
        $ = $fileStream
        return $fileContent        
function Invoke-PayloadBuilder {
    process {

        $type = $PayloadObject | Get-Member | Select-Object -ExpandProperty TypeName -Unique
        switch ($type) {
            'DiscordEmbed' {

                [bool]$createArray = $true

                #check if array
                $PayloadObject.PSObject.TypeNames | ForEach-Object {

                    switch ($_) {

                        {$_ -match '^System\.Collections\.Generic\.List.+'} {
                            $createArray = $false


                        'System.Array' {

                            $createArray = $false


                        'System.Collections.ArrayList' {
                            $createArray = $false


                if (!$createArray) {

                    $payload = [PSCustomObject]@{

                        embeds = $PayloadObject

                } else {

                    $embedArray = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[DiscordEmbed]'
                    $embedArray.Add($PayloadObject) | Out-Null

                    $payload = [PSCustomObject]@{

                        embeds = $embedArray


            'System.String' {

                if (Test-Path $PayloadObject -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {

                    $payload = [DiscordFile]::New($payloadObject)

                } else {

                    $payload = [PSCustomObject]@{

                        content = ($PayloadObject | Out-String)

    end {

        return $payload


function Invoke-PSDsHook {
    Use PowerShell classes to make using Discord Webhooks easy and extensible

    This function allows you to use Discord Webhooks with embeds, files, and various configuration settings

    .PARAMETER CreateConfig
    If specified, will create a configuration based on other parameter settings (ConfigName and WebhookUrl)

    .PARAMETER WebhookUrl
    If used with CreateConfig, this is the url that will be stored in the configuration file.
    If used with an embed or file, this URL will be used in the webhook call.

    .PARAMETER ConfigName
    Specified a name for the configuration file.
    Can be used when creating a configuration file, as well as when passing embeds/files.

    .PARAMETER ListConfigs
    Lists configuration files

    .PARAMETER EmbedObject
    Accepts an array of [EmbedObject]'s to pass in the webhook call.

    (Create a configuration file)
    Configuration files are stored in a sub directory of your user's home directory named .psdshook/configs

    Invoke-PsDsHook -CreateConfig -WebhookUrl ""
    (Create a configuration file with a non-standard name)
    Configuration files are stored in a sub directory of your user's home directory named .psdshook/configs

    Invoke-PsDsHook -CreateConfig -WebhookUrl "" -ConfigName 'config2'

    (Send an embed with the default config)

    using module PSDsHook

    If the module is not in one of the folders listed in ($env:PSModulePath -split "$([IO.Path]::PathSeparator)")
    You must specify the full path to the psm1 file in the above using statement
    Example: using module 'C:\users\thegn\repos\PsDsHook\out\PSDsHook\0.0.1\PSDsHook.psm1'

    Create embed builder object via the [DiscordEmbed] class
    $embedBuilder = [DiscordEmbed]::New(

    Add blue color
    Finally, call the function that will send the embed array to the webhook url via the default configuraiton file
    Invoke-PSDsHook -EmbedObject $embedBuilder -Verbose

    (Send an webhook with just text)

    Invoke-PSDsHook -HookText 'this is the webhook message' -Verbose
            ParameterSetName = 'createDsConfig'


            ParameterSetName = 'file'


        $ConfigName = 'config',

            ParameterSetName = 'configList'

            ParameterSetName = 'embed'

            ParameterSetName = 'simple'

    begin {            

        #Create full path to the configuration file
        $configPath = "$($configDir)$($seperator)$($ConfigName).json"
        #Ensure we can access the path, and error out if we cannot
        if (!(Test-Path -Path $configPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -and !$CreateConfig -and !$WebhookUrl) {

            throw "Unable to access [$configPath]. Please provide a valid configuration name. Use -ListConfigs to list configurations, or -CreateConfig to create one."

        } elseif (!$CreateConfig -and $WebhookUrl) {

            $hookUrl = $WebhookUrl

            Write-Verbose "Manual mode enabled..."

        } elseif ((!$CreateConfig -and !$WebhookUrl) -and $configPath) {

            #Get configuration information from the file specified
            $config = [DiscordConfig]::New($configPath)                
            $hookUrl = $config.HookUrl             


    process {
        switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {

            'embed' {

                $payload = Invoke-PayloadBuilder -PayloadObject $EmbedObject

                Write-Verbose "Sending:"
                Write-Verbose ""
                Write-Verbose ($payload | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4)

                try {

                    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $hookUrl -Body ($payload | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4) -ContentType $contentType -Method Post

                catch {

                    $errorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
                    throw "Error executing Discord Webhook -> [$errorMessage]!"


            'file' {

                if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) {

                    throw "Support for sending files is not yet available in PowerShell 5.x"
                } else {

                    $fileInfo = Invoke-PayloadBuilder -PayloadObject $FilePath
                    $payload  = $fileInfo.Content
                    Write-Verbose "Sending:"
                    Write-Verbose ""
                    Write-Verbose ($payload | Out-String)
                    #If it is a file, we don't want to include the ContentType parameter as it is included in the body
                    try {
                        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $hookUrl -Body $payload -Method Post
                    catch {
                        $errorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
                        throw "Error executing Discord Webhook -> [$errorMessage]!"
                    finally {

            'simple' {

                $payload = Invoke-PayloadBuilder -PayloadObject $HookText

                Write-Verbose "Sending:"
                Write-Verbose ""
                Write-Verbose ($payload | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4)

                try {

                    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $hookUrl -Body ($payload | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4) -ContentType $contentType -Method Post

                catch {

                    $errorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
                    throw "Error executing Discord Webhook -> [$errorMessage]!"


            'createDsConfig' {
                [DiscordConfig]::New($WebhookUrl, $configPath)


            'configList' {

                $configs = (Get-ChildItem -Path (Split-Path $configPath) | Where-Object {$PSitem.Extension -eq '.json'} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name)
                if ($configs) {

                    Write-Host "Configuration files in [$configDir]:"
                    return $configs

                } else {

                    Write-Host "No configuration files found in [$configDir]"
