
using namespace DoFramework.Processing;
using namespace DoFramework.Services;
using namespace DoFramework.Environment;
using namespace DoFramework.Domain;
using namespace DoFramework.Types;
using namespace DoFramework.Validators;
using namespace DoFramework.Logging;
using namespace System.Reflection;

Class for building process instances within the DoFramework environment.

The ProcessBuilder class is designed to create and configure process instances
within the DoFramework environment. It sets up service containers, looks up
process types, and constructs process instances with the necessary parameters.

class ProcessBuilder : IProcessBuilder {
    Initializes a new instance of the ProcessBuilder class.

    Constructor for the ProcessBuilder class, which sets up the service container,
    environment, lookup type, type validator, and logger for the process building.

    [IServiceContainer] $ServiceContainer;
    [IEnvironment] $Environment;
    [ILookupProcessType] $LookupType;
    [IValidator[Type]] $TypeVaidator;
    [ILogger] $Logger;

        [IServiceContainer] $serviceContainer, 
        [IEnvironment] $environment,
        [ILookupProcessType] $lookupType,
        [IValidator[Type]] $typeValidator,
        [ILogger] $logger) {
        $this.ServiceContainer = $serviceContainer;
        $this.Environment = $environment;
        $this.LookupType = $lookupType;
        $this.Logger = $logger;

    Builds a process instance based on the provided descriptor.

    The Build method retrieves the process type, gathers the necessary constructor
    parameters, and creates a new instance of the process within the DoFramework environment.

    [IProcess] Build([ProcessDescriptor] $descriptor) {
        . "$($this.Environment.ProcessesDir)$([DoFramework.Environment.Environment]::Separator)$($descriptor.Path)";

        [Type] $type = $this.LookupType.Lookup($descriptor.Name);

        [ParameterInfo[]] $parameters = $type.GetConstructors()[0].GetParameters();
        [object[]] $constructorParams = @();

        try {
            foreach($param in $parameters) {
                [object] $service = $this.ServiceContainer.GetService($param.ParameterType);
                $constructorParams += $service;
        catch {
            return $null;
        return New-Object -TypeName $descriptor.Name -ArgumentList $constructorParams;