using module "..\..\..\Mappers\RunMethodInfoMapper.psm1"; using namespace DoFramework.CLI; using namespace DoFramework.Mappers; using namespace DoFramework.Services; using namespace DoFramework.Validators; using namespace System.Reflection; using namespace System.Collections.Generic; <# .SYNOPSIS Class for retrieving method information within the DoFramework environment. .DESCRIPTION The GetMethodInfo class is designed to retrieve detailed information about methods within a specified type in the DoFramework environment. It handles the setup of parameters, validation of the method name, and extraction of method details. #> class GetMethodInfo : CLIFunction[GetRunMethodInfoDictionaryValidator, MethodInfo] { <# .SYNOPSIS Initializes a new instance of the GetMethodInfo class. .DESCRIPTION Constructor for the GetMethodInfo class, which sets up the base name for the command as "Get-MethodInfo". #> GetMethodInfo() : base("Get-MethodInfo") {} <# .SYNOPSIS Invokes the process of retrieving method information. .DESCRIPTION The Invoke method sets up parameters, validates the specified type and method name, and retrieves the detailed information about the method if the validation is successful. #> [MethodInfo] Invoke([Dictionary[string, object]] $params, [IServiceContainer] $serviceContainer) { [ServiceContainerExtensions]::AddParameters($serviceContainer, $params); [Type] $type = $params["type"]; [string] $methodName = $params["methodName"]; [Dictionary[string, object]] $parameters = $params.ContainsKey("parameters") ? $params["parameters"] : [Dictionary[string, object]]::new(); [object[]] $methods = $type.GetMethods(); [IMapper[object, MethodInfo]] $mapper = $serviceContainer.GetService[IMapper[object, MethodInfo]](); [MethodInfo] $methodInfo = $null; foreach ($method in $methods) { if ($method.Name -eq $methodName) { [MethodInfo] $result = $mapper.Map($method); [ParameterInfo[]] $methodParameters = $method.GetParameters(); if ($parameters.Count -eq $methodParameters.Length) { [int] $matchingCount = 0; [int] $i = 0; foreach ($key in $parameters.keys) { [ParameterInfo] $p = $methodParameters[$i]; if ($key -eq $p.Name -and $parameters[$key] -eq $p.ParameterType) { $matchingCount++; } $i++; } if ($matchingCount -eq $methodParameters.Length) { $methodInfo = $result; break; } } } } if ($null -eq $methodInfo) { throw "$($type.FullName) does not have a method named $methodName"; } return $methodInfo; } } |