using namespace DoFramework.Testing; using namespace DoFramework.Types; <# .SYNOPSIS Class for running Pester tests within the DoFramework environment. .DESCRIPTION The PesterRunner class is designed to execute Pester tests using specified configurations and paths within the DoFramework environment. It provides methods for running tests with and without specified paths. #> class PesterRunner : IPesterRunner { PesterRunner() { <# TODO - this is debt and needs moving to an appropriate and general "global import" area. #> Import-Module -Name Pester -RequiredVersion 5.7.1; } <# .SYNOPSIS Runs Pester tests with the specified configuration and paths. .DESCRIPTION The Run method iterates through the provided paths, loads each script, and then invokes Pester with the given configuration. #> [void] Run([object] $config, [string[]] $paths) { foreach ($path in $paths) { . $path; } Invoke-Pester -Configuration $config; } <# .SYNOPSIS Runs Pester tests with the specified configuration. .DESCRIPTION The Run method invokes Pester with the given configuration without loading any additional scripts. #> [void] Run([object] $config) { Invoke-Pester -Configuration $config; } } |