
using namespace DoFramework.CLI;
using namespace DoFramework.Environment;
using namespace DoFramework.Testing;
using namespace System.Collections.Generic;

Class for configuring Pester test settings within the DoFramework environment.

The PesterConfig class is designed to create and manage configurations for Pester
tests within the DoFramework environment. It sets up the test paths, code coverage,
and test result settings based on the provided parameters and environment.

class PesterConfig {
    Initializes a new instance of the PesterConfig class.

    Constructor for the PesterConfig class, which sets up the environment and
    CLI function parameters for Pester configuration.

    [IEnvironment] $Environment;
    [CLIFunctionParameters] $CLIFunctionParameters;

    PesterConfig([IEnvironment] $environment, [CLIFunctionParameters] $cliFunctionParameters) {
        $this.Environment = $environment;
        $this.CLIFunctionParameters = $cliFunctionParameters;

    Retrieves the Pester configuration settings.

    The GetConfiguration method creates and returns the Pester configuration settings
    based on the provided test paths and test name. It includes settings for code
    coverage and test result output.

    [object] GetConfiguration([string[]] $paths, [string] $testName) {
        [Dictionary[string, object]] $dictionary = $this.CLIFunctionParameters.Parameters;

        [PesterOutputType] $outputType = [PesterOutputType]::None;

        [bool] $outputEnabled = $false;

        if ($dictionary.ContainsKey("outputFormat")) {
            $outputType = [PesterOutputType][Enum]::Parse([PesterOutputType], $dictionary["outputFormat"]);

            $outputEnabled = $outputType -ne [PesterOutputType]::None;
        $configuration = @{
            Run = @{
                Path = $paths
            CodeCoverage = @{
                Enabled = $outputEnabled
                OutputPath = "$($this.Environment.HomeDir)$([DoFramework.Environment.Environment]::Separator)$($testName)TestCoverage.xml"
            TestResult = @{
                OutputPath = "$($this.Environment.HomeDir)$([DoFramework.Environment.Environment]::Separator)$($testName)TestResults.xml"
                OutputFormat = $outputType.ToString()
                Enabled = $outputEnabled
        return $configuration;