
using namespace DoFramework.Testing;
using namespace DoFramework.Domain;
using namespace DoFramework.Data;
using namespace DoFramework.Logging;
using namespace DoFramework.Environment;
using namespace System.Collections.Generic;
using module ".\PesterConfig.psm1";
using module ".\PesterRunner.psm1";

Class for running module tests within the DoFramework environment.

The ModuleTestRunner class is designed to execute module tests within the
DoFramework environment. It retrieves test descriptors, logs the process, and
runs the module tests using the Pester testing framework.

class ModuleTestRunner : ITestRunner[ModuleDescriptor] {
    Initializes a new instance of the ModuleTestRunner class.

    Constructor for the ModuleTestRunner class, which sets up the test provider,
    logger, environment, Pester configuration, and Pester runner.

    [IDataCollectionProvider[TestDescriptor, string]] $TestProvider;
    [ILogger] $Logger;
    [IEnvironment] $Environment;
    [PesterConfig] $PesterConfiguration;
    [IPesterRunner] $PesterRunner;

        [IDataCollectionProvider[TestDescriptor, string]] $testProvider,
        [ILogger] $logger,
        [IEnvironment] $environment,
        [PesterConfig] $pesterConfiguration,
        [IPesterRunner] $pesterRunner) {
        $this.TestProvider = $testProvider;
        $this.Logger = $logger;
        $this.Environment = $environment;
        $this.PesterConfiguration = $pesterConfiguration;
        $this.PesterRunner = $pesterRunner;

    Executes the module tests based on the specified filter.

    The Test method retrieves module test descriptors based on the provided filter,
    logs the number of test files found, collects the test paths, and runs the tests
    using the Pester framework.

    [void] Test([string] $filter) {
        [List[TestDescriptor]] $tests = $this.TestProvider.Provide($filter);

        [TestDescriptor[]] $moduleTests = $tests | Where-Object { $_.TestType -eq [TestType]::Module };

        $this.Logger.LogInfo("Found $($moduleTests.Length) candidate module test files.");

        [List[string]] $testPaths = [List[string]]::new();

        foreach ($test in $moduleTests) {

        if ($testPaths.Count -gt 0) {
            $this.Logger.LogInfo("Running $($testPaths.Count) module test files.");

            $pesterConfig = $this.PesterConfiguration.GetConfiguration($testPaths.ToArray(), "Module");
