using namespace DoFramework.Validators; using namespace System.Reflection; using namespace System.Collections.Generic; <# .SYNOPSIS Class for validating proxy types within the DoFramework environment. .DESCRIPTION The ProxyTypeValidator class is designed to validate whether a given type can be proxied within the DoFramework environment. It checks if the type is an interface or an unsealed class, and returns validation results accordingly. #> class ProxyTypeValidator : IValidator[Type] { <# .SYNOPSIS Validates the provided type to determine if it can be proxied. .DESCRIPTION The Validate method checks if the type is an interface or an unsealed class. It returns a validation result with any errors found during the validation process. #> [IValidationResult] Validate([Type] $type) { [List[string]] $errors = [List[string]]::new(); if ($type.IsInterface) { return [ValidationResult]::new($errors); } if ($type.IsSealed) { $errors.Add("Cannot create a proxy for type $type - it must either be an interface or an unsealed type."); } return [ValidationResult]::new($errors); } } |