
using namespace DoFramework.Domain;
using namespace DoFramework.Processing;
using namespace System.Collections.Generic;

Class for displaying process reports within the DoFramework environment.

The DisplayReports class is designed to display detailed process reports
within the DoFramework environment. It sorts the reports and formats
them for clear output.

class DisplayReports : IDisplayReports {
    Displays the process reports.

    The Display method sorts the process reports, formats them into a table,
    and outputs the table to the host.

    [void] Display([List[ProcessReport]] $processReports) {
            | Sort-Object { [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.StartTime) }, StartTime 
            | Format-Table Name, ProcessResult, StartTime, EndTime, @{Label="Duration (s)"; Expression={$_.Duration}}
            | Out-Host;