function Get-DifyPlugin { [CmdletBinding()] param( [String] $Category = "", [String[]] $Id = @(), [String[]] $Name = @(), [String[]] $UniqueIdentifier = @(), [String] $Search = "" ) if (-not $env:PSDIFY_PLUGIN_SUPPORT) { throw "The Dify server currently logged in does not support plugins." } $ValidCategories = @("model", "tool", "agent", "extension", "bundle") if ($Category -and $Category -notin $ValidCategories) { throw "Invalid value for Category. Must be one of: $($ValidCategories -join ', ')" } if ($Category -eq "agent") { $Category = "agent_strategy" } $Endpoint = Join-Url -Segments @($env:PSDIFY_URL, "/console/api/workspaces/current/plugin/list") $Method = "GET" try { $Response = Invoke-DifyRestMethod -Uri $Endpoint -Method $Method -Token $env:PSDIFY_CONSOLE_TOKEN } catch { throw "Failed to get plugins: $_" } $Plugins = @() foreach ($Plugin in $Response.plugins) { if ($Plugin.declaration.category -eq "model") { $ModelProvider = "$($Plugin.plugin_id)/$($Plugin.declaration.model.provider)" } else { $ModelProvider = "" } $Plugins += [PSCustomObject]@{ Category = $Plugin.declaration.category Name = $ DisplayName = $Plugin.declaration.label.en_US Id = $Plugin.plugin_id Description = $Plugin.declaration.description.en_US Version = $Plugin.version InstallationId = $Plugin.installation_id UniqueIdentifier = $Plugin.plugin_unique_identifier ModelProvider = $ModelProvider } } if ($Category) { $Plugins = $Plugins | Where-Object { $_.Category -in $Category } } if ($Id) { $Plugins = $Plugins | Where-Object { $_.Id -in $Id } } if ($Name) { $Plugins = $Plugins | Where-Object { $_.Name -in $Name } } if ($UniqueIdentifier) { $Plugins = $Plugins | Where-Object { $_.UniqueIdentifier -in $UniqueIdentifier } } if ($Search) { $Plugins = $Plugins | Where-Object { $_.Id -like "*$($Search)*" -or $_.Name -like "*$($Search)*" -or $_.DisplayName -like "*$($Search)*" } } return $Plugins } |