function Install-DifyPlugin { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [PSCustomObject[]] $Item = @(), [String[]] $Id = @(), [String[]] $UniqueIdentifier = @(), [Switch] $Wait = $false, [Int] $Interval = 5, [Int] $Timeout = 300 ) begin { if (-not $env:PSDIFY_PLUGIN_SUPPORT) { throw "The Dify server currently logged in does not support plugins." } $Plugins = @() } process { foreach ($ItemObject in $Item) { $Plugins += $ItemObject } } end { if (-not $Id -and -not $UniqueIdentifier -and -not $Plugins) { throw "Id or UniqueIdentifier is required" } $Identifiers = @() if ($Id) { foreach ($IdItem in $Id) { $Plugins += Find-DifyPlugin -Id $IdItem } } if ($UniqueIdentifier) { $Identifiers += $UniqueIdentifier } if ($Plugins) { $Identifiers += $Plugins | ForEach-Object { $_.LatestPackageIdentifier } } $Endpoint = Join-Url -Segments @($env:PSDIFY_URL, "/console/api/workspaces/current/plugin/install/marketplace") $Method = "POST" $Body = @{ "plugin_unique_identifiers" = @($Identifiers) } | ConvertTo-Json try { $Response = Invoke-DifyRestMethod -Uri $Endpoint -Method $Method -Body $Body -Token $env:PSDIFY_CONSOLE_TOKEN } catch { throw "Failed to install plugins: $_" } $TaskInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{ AllInstalled = $Response.all_installed TaskId = $Response.task_id } If ($TaskInfo.AllInstalled) { $InstalledPlugins = Get-DifyPlugin -UniqueIdentifier $Identifiers return $InstalledPlugins } if ($Wait) { $Status = $TaskInfo | Get-DifyPluginInstallationStatus -Wait -Interval $Interval -Timeout $Timeout if ($Status.Status -eq "failed") { throw "Failed to install plugins: $($Status.Plugins | Where-Object { $_.Status -eq "failed" } | ForEach-Object { $_.DisplayName })" } $InstalledPlugins = Get-DifyPlugin -UniqueIdentifier $Identifiers return $InstalledPlugins } else { return $TaskInfo } } } |