<# .SYNOPSIS Installs a Chocolatey package a repository. .DESCRIPTION Installs a package from a Chocolatey repository like Relevant Dependency metadata: Name: The name of the package Version: Used to identify existing installs meeting this criteria. Defaults to 'latest' Source: Source Uri. Defaults to .PARAMETER Force If specified and the package is already installed, force the install again. .PARAMETER PSDependAction Test, or Install the package. Defaults to Install Test: Return true or false on whether the dependency is in place Install: Install the dependency .EXAMPLE @{ 'git' = @{ DependencyType = 'Chocolatey' Version = '2.0.2' } } # Install version 2.0.2 of git via .EXAMPLE @{ 'git' = @{ DependencyType = 'Chocolatey' Source = '' } } # Install the latest version of git from the Chocolatey feed at .EXAMPLE @{ PSDependOptions = @{ DependencyType = 'Chocolatey' } 'git.portable' = @{ Version = 'latest' Parameters = @{ Force = $true } } 'lessmsi' = 'latest' 'putty' = 'latest' } # Installs the list of Chocolatey packages from using the Global PSDependOptions to limit repetition. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [PSTypeName('PSDepend.Dependency')] [psobject[]]$Dependency, [switch]$Force, [string]$ChocoInstallScriptUrl = '', [ValidateSet('Test', 'Install')] [string[]]$PSDependAction = @('Install') ) function Get-ChocoInstalledPackage { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string]$Name ) $chocoParams = @('list', "$Name", '--limit-output', '--exact', '--local-only') Invoke-ExternalCommand -Command 'choco.exe' -Arguments $chocoParams -PassThru | ConvertFrom-Csv -Header 'Name', 'Version' -Delimiter "|" } function Get-ChocoLatestPackage { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string]$Name, [string]$Source, [Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credential ) $chocoParams = @('list', "$Name", '--limit-output', '--exact') if ($Source) { $chocoParams += "--source='$Source'" } if ($Credential) { $username = $credential.UserName $password = $credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password $chocoParams += "--username='$username'" $chocoParams += "--password='$password'" } Invoke-ExternalCommand -Command 'choco.exe' -Arguments $chocoParams -PassThru | ConvertFrom-Csv -Header 'Name', 'Version' -Delimiter "|" } function Invoke-ChocoInstallPackage { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string]$Name, [string]$Version, [string]$Source, [switch]$Force, [Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credential ) $chocoParams = @('upgrade', "$Name", '--limit-output', '--exact', '--no-progress', '--allow-downgrade') if ($Force.IsPresent) { $chocoParams += "--force" } if ($Source) { $chocoParams += "--source='$Source'" } if ($Version -and $Version -ne 'latest' -and $Version -ne '') { $chocoParams += "--version='$Version'" } if ($Credential) { $username = $credential.UserName $password = $credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password $chocoParams += "--username='$username'" $chocoParams += "--password='$password'" } Invoke-ExternalCommand -Command 'choco.exe' -Arguments $chocoParams } # Extract data from Dependency $Name = $Dependency.Name if (-not $Name) { $Name = $Dependency.DependencyName } $Version = $Dependency.Version if (-not $Dependency.Version -or $Version -eq '') { $Version = 'latest' } $Source = $Dependency.Source if (-not $Dependency.Source -or $Source -eq '') { $Source = '' } $Credential = $Dependency.Credential if (-not (Get-Command -Name 'choco.exe' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { Write-Verbose "Chocolatey is not installed. Installing from [$ChocoInstallScriptUrl]" # download and run the Chocolatey script # Add TLS 1.2 support [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 do { $scriptPath = Join-Path -Path $env:TEMP -ChildPath ("{0}.ps1" -f [GUID]::NewGuid().ToString()) } while (Test-Path -Path $scriptPath) try { Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $ChocoInstallScriptUrl -OutFile $scriptPath & $scriptPath } catch { throw "Unable to install Chocolatey from '$scriptUrl'." } } # if this is a forced install we don't need to check anything, just install the package version requested if ($Force.IsPresent -and $PSDependAction -contains 'Install') { $params = @{ Name = $Name Version = $Version Source = $Source Force = $Force.IsPresent } if ($Credential) { $params.Credential = $Credential } Write-Verbose "Forced install of Chocolatey package [$Name] from Chocolatey source [$Source] with Version [$Version]" Invoke-ChocoInstallPackage @params return } # get the package if it is installed Write-Verbose "Getting package [$Name] version, if it is installed." $existingVersion = (Get-ChocoInstalledPackage -Name $Name).Version if ($existingVersion) { Write-Verbose "Found package [$Name] installed with version [$Version]." } else { Write-Verbose "Package [$Name] not installed." } # Version latest requested, and equal to current if ($Version -ne 'latest' -and $Version -eq $existingVersion) { Write-Verbose "You have the requested version [$Version] of [$Name]" if($PSDependAction -contains 'Test') { return $true } return } # get the latest version from the source $repoParams = @{ Name = $Name Source = $Source } if ($Credential) { $repoParams.Credential = Credential } Write-verbose "Getting latest package [$Name] version from source [$Source]." $repositoryVersion = (Get-ChocoLatestPackage @repoParams).Version if ($repositoryVersion) { Write-Verbose "Found package [$Name] version [$Version] on source [$Source]." } else { Write-Verbose "Package [$Name] not found on source [$Source]. Nothing more can be done." return # cannot continue } # If the version in the remote repository is less than or equal to the version installed, then we have the latest already if ($Version -eq 'latest' -and ([System.Version]$repositoryVersion -le [System.Version]$existingVersion)) { Write-Verbose "You have the latest version of [$Name], with installed version [$existingVersion] and Source version [$repositoryVersion]" if($PSDependAction -contains 'Test') { return $true } return } # if we get here then we do not have the latest version installed and that is what has been requested Write-Verbose "You do not have the version requested of [$Name]: Requested version [$Version], existing version [$existingVersion], available version [$repositoryVersion]." if ($PSDependAction -contains 'Install') { $params = @{ Name = $Name Version = $Version Source = $Source Force = $Force.IsPresent } if ($Credential) { $params.Credential = $Credential } Invoke-ChocoInstallPackage @params } elseif ($PSDependAction -contains 'Test' -and $PSDependAction.count -eq 1) { return $false } |