<# .SYNOPSIS Install a node package from NPM. .DESCRIPTION Install a node package from NPM. Note: We require npm in your path. Relevant Dependency metadata: DependencyName (Key): Node Package Name Version: Version of the node package to install; defaults to latest. Target: Path to place the node_modules folder, and all relevant packages, in. You can specify a full path, a UNC path, or a relative path from the current directory. You can also specify the special keyword, 'Global', which will cause the node package to be installed globally for the user who runs PSDepend against this dependency. .PARAMETER Dependency Dependency to process .PARAMETER Global If specified, the node package will be installed globally. .PARAMETER PSDependAction Test or Install the dependency. Defaults to Install Test: Return true or false on whether the dependency is in place Install: Install the dependency .EXAMPLE @{ 'gitbook-cli' = @{ DependencyType = 'Npm' Version = '0.1.0' Target = 'Global' } } # Full syntax # DependencyName (key) uses (unique) name 'gitbook-cli' # Specify a version to install # Ensure the package is installed globally. .EXAMPLE @{ 'gitbook-cli' = @{ DependencyType = 'Npm' } } # Simple syntax # The example package, 'gitbook-cli' will be installed at the latest verion from NPM to the current directory. #> [cmdletbinding()] param ( [PSTypeName('PSDepend.Dependency')] [psobject[]]$Dependency, [ValidateSet('Test', 'Install')] [string[]]$PSDependAction = @('Install'), [switch]$Force, [switch]$Global ) #region Extract Dependency Data $Name = $Dependency.DependencyName $Version = $Dependency.Version $Target = $Dependency.Target If (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Target) -and $Target -ne 'global') { # If the target matches a full path or UNC path, don't modify it; # Otherwise, assume that its a folder _in the current directory_. # If no target is specified, it will install to the current directory. If ($Target -notmatch '(^/|:|\\\\)') { $Target = "$PWD\$Target" } If (-not (Test-Path $Target) -and $PSDependAction -contains 'Install') { Write-Verbose "Creating folder [$Target] for node module dependency [$Name]" $null = New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $Target -Force } } #endregion Extract Dependency Data #region Test Action If ($PSDependAction -contains 'Test') { $PackageListArguments = 'ls --json --silent' If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Target)) { $InstalledNodeModules = Get-NodeModule } ElseIf ($Target -eq 'global') { $InstalledNodeModules = Get-NodeModule -Global } Else { Push-Location $Target $InstalledNodeModules = Get-NodeModule Pop-Location } $InstalledModule = $InstalledNodeModules.$Name If ($InstalledModule -eq $null) { return $false } ElseIf ($Version -ne $null -and $InstalledModule.Version -ne $Version) { return $false } Else { return $true } } #endregion Test Action #region Install Action If ($PSDependAction -contains 'Install') { If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Target)) { $null = Install-NodeModule -PackageName $Name -Version $Version } ElseIf ($Target -eq 'global') { $null = Install-NodeModule -PackageName $Name -Version $Version -Global } Else { Push-Location $Target $null = Install-NodeModule -PackageName $Name -Version $Version Pop-Location } } #endregion Install Action |