<# .SYNOPSIS EXPERIMENTAL: Download a GitHub repository .DESCRIPTION EXPERIMENTAL: Download a GitHub repository The Git dependency type requires git.exe. The FileDownload type would just pull an archive down. This type will... download a repository via HTTP, extract it, optionally, select out a specific subfolder for PowerShell based projects. IMPORTANT: We currently download the repo temporarily to inspect and find the project path, regardless of PSDependAction. Relevant Dependency metadata: DependencyName (Key): The key for this dependency is used as Name, if none is specified Name: Used to specify the GitHub entity/reponame to download Target: The folder to download repo to. Defaults to "$ENV:USERPROFILE\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules". Created if it doesn't exist. Version: Specify a branch name or commit hash to download .NOTES A huge thanks to Doug Finke for the idea and some code! .PARAMETER PSDependAction Test or Install the module. Defaults to Install NOTE: Test is currently not implemented. Test: Return true or false on whether the dependency is in place Install: Install the dependency .PARAMETER ExtractPath Download the repo, and extract only these specified file(s) or folder(s) to the target. Defaults to $True .PARAMETER ExtractProject Downoad the repo, parse it for a common PowerShell project hierarchy, and extract only the project folder Example: ramblingcookiemonster/psslack looks like this: PSSlack/ Repo root PSSlack/ Module root PSSlack.psd1 Module manifest Tests/ In this case, we would extract PSSlack/PSSlack only Example: bundyfx/vamp looks like this: vamp/ Repo root (also, module root) vamp.psd1 Module manifest In this case, we would extract the whole root vamp folder .EXAMPLE @{ 'bundyfx/vamp' = 'master' } # Download the master branch of vamp from bundyfx on GitHub .EXAMPLE @{ 'powershell/demo_ci' = @{ Version = 'master' DependencyType = 'GitHub' Parameters = @{ ExtractPath = 'Assets/DscPipelineTools', 'InfraDNS/Configs/DNSServer.ps1' } } } # Download the master branch of demo_ci from powershell on GitHub # Extract repo-root/Assets/DscPipelineTools to the target # Extract repo-root/InfraDNS/Configs/DNSServer.ps1 to the target #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [PSTypeName('PSDepend.Dependency')] [psobject[]] $Dependency, [ValidateSet('Test', 'Install')] [string[]]$PSDependAction = @('Install'), [bool]$ExtractProject = $True, [string[]]$ExtractPath ) # Extract data from Dependency $DependencyName = $Dependency.DependencyName if(-not ($Name = $Dependency.Name)) { $Name = $DependencyName } $Target = $Dependency.Target if(-not $Target) { $Target = "$ENV:USERPROFILE\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\" } $Source = $Dependency.Source # Default to master branch if(-not ($Version = $Dependency.Version)) { $Version = 'master' } # entity/project? if( ($Name -split '/' ).count -eq 2 ) { $URL = '{0}/archive/{1}.zip' -f $Name, $Version } else #URL { $URL = $Name } $GitHubProject = $URL.split('/')[-3] $OutPath = Join-Path ([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) ([guid]::NewGuid().guid) $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $OutPath -Force $OutFile= Join-Path $OutPath "$" Invoke-RestMethod $URL -OutFile $OutFile #TODO: platform specific bits, e.g. System.IO.Compression.ZipFile for core Unblock-File $OutFile -Confirm:$False # Compat with older .net... $Zipfile = (New-Object -com shell.application).NameSpace($OutFile) $Destination = (New-Object -com shell.application).NameSpace($OutPath) $Destination.CopyHere($Zipfile.Items()) $GitHubFolder = Rename-Item (Join-Path $OutPath "$GitHubProject-$Version") $GitHubProject -PassThru Remove-Item $OutFile -Force -Confirm:$False if($ExtractPath) { [string[]]$ToCopy = foreach($RelativePath in $ExtractPath) { $AbsolutePath = Join-Path $GitHubFolder $RelativePath if(-not (Test-Path $AbsolutePath)) { Write-Warning "Expected ExtractPath [$RelativePath], did not find at [$AbsolutePath]" } else { $AbsolutePath } } } elseif($ExtractProject) { $ProjectDetails = Get-ProjectDetail -Path $GitHubFolder [string[]]$ToCopy = $ProjectDetails.Path } else { [string[]]$ToCopy = $GitHubFolder } Write-Verbose "ToCopy: $ToCopy" #TODO: Implement test and import PSDependActions. if($PSDependAction -contains 'install') { if(-not (Test-Path $Target)) { mkdir $Target -Force } foreach($Item in $ToCopy) { Copy-Item -Path $Item -Destination $Target -Force -Confirm:$False -Recurse } } Remove-Item $OutPath -Force -Recurse |