
Function Get-PSDependScript {
        Get dependency types and associated scripts
        Get dependency types and associated scripts
        Checks PSDependMap.psd1,
        verifies dependency scripts exist,
        returns a hashtable of these.
        Path to PSDependMap.psd1 defining dependency types
        Defaults to PSDependMap.psd1 in the module root
        # List PSDepend scripts available in the PSDependMap.psd1 in the PSDepend module root
        Get-PSDependScript -Path \\Path\To\Central.DependencyMap.psd1
        # List dependency types defined in a centralized dependency map

        [validatescript({Test-Path $_ -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop})]
        [string]$Path = $(Join-Path $ModuleRoot PSDependMap.psd1)

    # Read the file
    $Base = Split-Path $Path -Parent
    $File = Split-Path $Path -Leaf
    $DependencyDefinitions = Import-LocalizedData -BaseDirectory $Base -FileName $File

    $DependHash = @{}
    foreach($DependencyType in $DependencyDefinitions.Keys)
        #Determine the path to this script
        $Script =  $DependencyDefinitions.$DependencyType.Script
        if(Test-Path $Script -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
            $ScriptPath = $Script
            # account for missing ps1
            $ScriptPath = Join-Path $ModuleRoot "PSDependScripts\$($Script -replace ".ps1$").ps1"

        if(test-path $ScriptPath)
            $DependHash.$DependencyType = $ScriptPath
            Write-Error "Could not find path '$ScriptPath' for dependency $DependencyType. Origin: $($DependencyDefinitions.$DependencyType.Script)"
