using namespace System.Management.Automation class ValidFilesGenerator : IValidateSetValuesGenerator { [string[]] GetValidValues() { $Values = Get-ChildItem -Path * -Filter *.dproj -Recurse | Where-Object { ($_.FullName -cmatch "Composants") -eq $false } | Select-Object { $_.BaseName } return $Values } } class delphiProject { [boolean]$Selected [string]$Name [string]$path [string]$FullName [Boolean]$group [boolean]$checked } $include = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($myInvocation.MyCommand.Definition) . "$include\visuals.ps1" function Get-ProjectList( [switch]$Groups, [string]$path = "*" ) { if ($Groups) { $filter = "*.groupproj" } else { $filter = "*.dproj" } $Values = Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Filter $filter -Recurse | Where-Object { ($_.FullName -cmatch "Composants") -eq $false } return $Values } function makeBlanks { param( $nblines, $win ) if ($iscoreclr) { $esc = "`e" } else { $esc = $([char]0x1b) } $blanks = 1..$nblines | ForEach-Object { "$esc[38;5;15m$($Single.LEFT)", "".PadRight($Win.W - 2, " "), "$esc[38;5;15m$($Single.RIGHT)" -join "" } $blanks | Out-String } function DisplayGrid( $list, [ref]$data ) { [Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8 if ($iscoreclr) { $esc = "`e" } else { $esc = $([char]0x1b) } $totalAvailableSpace = $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width - 10 function drawHeader { [System.Console]::setcursorposition($win.X + 1, $win.Y + 1) $H = " " $header = $H.PadRight($win.w - 2, ' ') [System.Console]::write("$esc[4m$esc[38;5;11m$($header)$esc[0m") } function drawFooter { [System.Console]::setcursorposition($win.X + 1, $win.H - 1) $s = "" $footerL = " Selected : $nbChecked" $footerR = "Source : [ $s ] " $fill = $win.w - 2 - $footerL.Length - $footerR.Length $f = $footerL, "".PadRight($fill, ' '), $footerR -join "" [System.Console]::write("$esc[48;5;19m$esc[38;5;15m$($f)$esc[0m") } function makelines { param ( $list, $checked, $Deleted, $Updated, $row, $selected ) [string]$line = "" $check = "✓ " $update = "↺ " $delete = "Ⅹ " $line = $list.Name.PadRight($totalAvailableSpace," ") if ($deleted -or $Updated -or $checked) { if ($deleted) { $line = "$esc[38;5;46m$delete", $line -join "" } if ($Updated) { $line = "$esc[38;5;46m$Update", $line -join "" } if (-not $deleted -and -not $Updated) { if ($checked) { $line = "$esc[38;5;46m$check", $line -join "" } } } else { $line = " ", $line -join "" } if ($row -eq $selected) { $line = "$esc[48;5;33m$esc[38;5;15m$($line)" } if ($row % 2 -eq 0) { $line = "$esc[38;5;252m$($line)" } else { $line = "$esc[38;5;244m$($line)" } "$esc[38;5;15m$($Single.LEFT)$($line)$esc[0m" } $WinWidth = [System.Console]::WindowWidth $X = 0 $Y = 0 $WinHeigt = [System.Console]::WindowHeight - 1 $win = [window]::new($X, $Y, $WinWidth, $WinHeigt, $false, "White"); $win.title = "Project List" $Win.titleColor = "Green" $win.footer = "$(color "[?]" "red") Help $(color "[F2]" "red") Source $(color "[Space]" "red") Select/Unselect $(color "[Enter]" "red") Accept $(color "[Esc]" "red") Quit" $win.drawWindow(); $win.drawVersion(); $nbLines = $Win.h - 3 $blanks = makeBlanks $nblines $win $displayList = $list $skip = 0 $nbPages = [math]::Ceiling($displayList.count / $nbLines) $win.nbpages = $nbPages $page = 1 $selected = 0 $nbChecked = 0 [System.Console]::CursorVisible = $false $redraw = $true while (-not $stop) { $ = $page [System.Console]::setcursorposition($win.X, $win.Y + 2) $row = 0 if ($displayList.length -eq 1) { $checked = $displayList.Selected $Deleted = $displayList.Deleted $Updated = $displayList.Updated $partdisplayList = makelines $displayList $checked $Deleted $Updated $row $selected } else { $partdisplayList = $displayList | Select-Object -First $nblines -Skip $skip | ForEach-Object { $index = (($page - 1) * $nbLines) + $row $checked = $displayList[$index].Selected $deleted = $displayList[$index].Deleted $Updated = $displayList[$index].Updated makelines $displayList[$index] $checked $deleted $Updated $row $selected $row++ } } $nbDisplay = $partdisplayList.Length $sText = $partdisplayList | Out-String if ($redraw) { [System.Console]::setcursorposition($win.X, $win.Y + 2) [system.console]::write($blanks) $redraw = $false } [System.Console]::setcursorposition($win.X, $win.Y + 2) [system.console]::write($sText.Substring(0, $sText.Length - 2)) drawHeader drawFooter $win.drawPagination() while (-not $stop) { if ($global:Host.UI.RawUI.KeyAvailable) { [System.Management.Automation.Host.KeyInfo]$key = $($global:host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey('NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown')) if ($key.Character -eq '?') { # Help displayHelp $allowSearch $redraw = $true } if ($key.character -eq 'q' -or $key.VirtualKeyCode -eq 27) { # Quit $stop = $true } if ($key.VirtualKeyCode -eq 38) { # key up if ($selected -gt 0) { $selected -- } } if ($key.VirtualKeyCode -eq 40) { # key Down if ($selected -lt $nbDisplay - 1) { $selected ++ } } if ($key.VirtualKeyCode -eq 37) { # key Left if ($page -gt 1) { $skip -= $nbLines $page -= 1 $selected = 0 $redraw = $true } } if ($key.VirtualKeyCode -eq 39) { # key Right if ($page -lt $nbPages) { $skip += $nbLines $page += 1 $selected = 0 $redraw = $true } } if ($key.VirtualKeyCode -eq 32) { # key Space if ($displayList.length -eq 1) { $checked = $displayList.Selected $displayList.Selected = -not $checked } else { $index = (($page - 1) * $nbLines) + $selected $checked = $displayList[$index].Selected $displayList[$index].Selected = -not $checked } if ($checked) { $nbChecked-- } else { $nbChecked++ } } if ($key.VirtualKeyCode -eq 46) { # delete key if ($allowModifications -and -not $build) { if ($displayList.length -eq 1) { $deleted = $displayList.Deleted $displayList.deleted = -not $deleted } else { $index = (($page - 1) * $nbLines) + $selected $Deleted = $displayList[$index].Deleted $displayList[$index].Deleted = -not $Deleted } } } if ($key.VirtualKeyCode -eq 85) { # "u" key (update) if ($allowModifications -and -not $build) { if ($displayList.length -eq 1) { if ($displayList.Available) { $Updated = $displayList.Updated $displayList.Updated = -not $deleted } } else { $index = (($page - 1) * $nbLines) + $selected if ($displayList[$index].Available -and ($displayList[$index].Available.trim() -ne "")) { $Updated = $displayList[$index].Updated $displayList[$index].Updated = -not $Updated } } } } if ($key.VirtualKeyCode -eq 85) { # "Ctrl-u" key (update) if ($allowModifications) { if (($key.ControlKeyState -band 8) -ne 0) { $displayList | ForEach-Object { $Updated = $_.Updated if ($_.Available -and ($_.Available.trim() -ne "")) { $_.Updated = -not $Updated } } } } } if ($key.VirtualKeyCode -eq 13) { # key Enter Clear-Host $data.value = $data.value = $displayList | Where-Object { $_.Selected -or $_.Deleted -or $_.Updated } $stop = $true } if ($key.VirtualKeyCode -eq 114) { # key F3 if ($allowSearch) { $term = getSearchTerms [System.Console]::CursorVisible = $false $term = '"', $term, '"' -join '' # Todo : re-run original search $sb = { Invoke-Winget "winget search --name $term" | Where-Object { $_.source -eq "winget" } } $displayList = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $sb $skip = 0 $nbPages = [math]::Ceiling($displayList.count / $nbLines) $win.nbpages = $nbPages $page = 1 $selected = 0 $redraw = $true } } if ($key.VirtualKeyCode -eq 113) { # key F2 $sourceIdx ++ if ($sourceIdx -gt $sources.count - 1) { $displayList = $list $sourceIdx = -1 } else { $src = @() if ($sources[$sourceIdx].trim() -in ("none", "msstore")) { $src += "" $src += "msstore" } else { $src += $sources[$sourceIdx] } $displayList = $list | Where-Object { $src.Contains($_.source.trim()) } if ($displayList.count -eq 0) { $displayList = $list } } $skip = 0 $nbPages = [math]::Ceiling($displayList.count / $nbLines) $win.nbpages = $nbPages $page = 1 $selected = 0 $redraw = $true } if ($key.character -eq "+") { # key + $checked = $true $nbChecked = 0 $displayList | ForEach-Object { $_.Selected = $checked; $nbChecked++ } } if ($key.character -eq "-") { # key - $checked = $false $displayList | ForEach-Object { $_.Selected = $checked } $nbChecked = 0 } break } Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 20 } } [System.Console]::CursorVisible = $true Clear-Host } function Build-Project( [string]$comp ) { $global:LASTEXITCODE = 0 ${env: BDSCOMMONDIR} Write-Host ">>> Build Project" Write-Host " >>> `$comp : $($comp)" if (Test-Path -Path $comp) { $project = $(Split-Path $comp -Leaf).PadLeft(25, " ") $log = Invoke-Expression "msbuild `"$($comp)`" /p:config=Release" if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0) { Write-Host "Build of $($project) Successfull" } else { Write-Host "Build of $($project) Failed" $log | Out-File -FilePath $global:logfile -Append Write-Host " >>> Project $project not built" Write-Host " >>> Details in $logfile" Exit 5 } } else { Write-Host " >>> ERROR. $($comp) not found" Write-Host " >>> Project $project not built" EXIT 10 } } function Build-Selection( [delphiProject[]]$data ) { $datelog = Get-Date -UFormat "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M" $global:logfile = "log_$($datelog)" Get-DelphiEnv -Delphi Delphi2010 $data | ForEach-Object { Build-Project $_.FullName } } function Show-ProjectList( [switch]$Groups ) { [delphiProject[]]$list = @() Get-ProjectList -path "C:\Git\commit_legacy\*" | ForEach-Object { [delphiProject]$dp = [delphiProject]::new() $dp.Name = $_.BaseName $dp.path = $_.DirectoryName $dp.FullName = $_.FullName $dp.checked = $false $dp.Selected = $false $ = $false $list += $dp } $data = @() displayGrid -list $list -data ([ref]$data) if ($data.length -gt 0) { Build-Selection $data } } function Build-SearchPath ( ) { $UnitSearch = Get-Content -Path "$($include)\\searchpath.json" | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json $searchPath = @() $UnitSearch | ForEach-Object { $searchPath += $_ } [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("DCC_UnitSearchPath", $searchPath -join ";") } function Get-DelphiEnv( [ValidateSet('Delphi2010', 'Delphi11', 'Delphi12')] [String]$Delphi ) { switch ($Delphi) { 'Delphi2010' { $dpath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\7.0" } 'Delphi11' { $dpath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\22.0" } 'Delphi12' { $dpath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\23.0" } Default { Write-Host "This Module ONLY supports Delphi 2010, Delphi 11 and Delphi 12 " } } Build-DelphiEnv -dpath $dpath } function Build-DelphiEnv( [String]$dpath ) { [string[]]$rsvars = Get-Content -Path "$dpath\bin\rsvars.bat" -ErrorAction Stop ##Write-Host $rsvars $rsvars | ForEach-Object { if ($_.trim() -ne "") { $path = $_ -creplace "@SET", "" $var, $value = $path -split "=" Write-Host "$var => $value" [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($var.trim(), $value) } } $path = [regex]::Escape($env:FrameworkDir) if (-not ($arrPath -match $env:FrameworkVersion)) { $arrPath = $env:Path -split ';' $env:Path = ($arrPath + $env:FrameworkDir) -join ';' } } Show-ProjectList |