function Set-TokenColorConfiguration { # [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] $Theme, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Reset ) $tokenColors = $Theme.tokens.readline $writeColors = $Theme.tokens.write if ($Reset) { $action = 'RESET' if (!$tokenColors) { # Set-PSReadlineOption -ResetTokenColors could be used, but is set to be deprecated in 2.0 $tokenColors = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'foreground' = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Command' = 'Yellow' 'Comment' = 'DarkGreen' 'ContinuationPrompt' = 'Gray' 'DefaultToken' = 'Gray' 'Emphasis' = 'Cyan' 'Error' = 'Red' 'Keyword' = 'Green' 'Member' = 'White' 'Number' = 'White' 'Operator' = 'DarkGray' 'Parameter' = 'DarkGray' 'String' = 'DarkCyan' 'Type' = 'Gray' 'Variable' = 'Green' } 'background' = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Command' = 'Black' 'Comment' = 'Black' 'ContinuationPrompt' = 'Black' 'DefaultToken' = 'Black' 'Emphasis' = 'Black' 'Error' = 'Black' 'Keyword' = 'Black' 'Member' = 'Black' 'Number' = 'Black' 'Operator' = 'Black' 'Parameter' = 'Black' 'String' = 'Black' 'Type' = 'Black' 'Variable' = 'Black' } } } if (!$writeColors) { $writeColors = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'foreground' = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Debug' = 'Yellow' 'Error' = 'Red' 'Progress' = 'Yellow' 'Verbose' = 'Yellow' 'Warning' = 'Yellow' } 'background' = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Debug' = 'Black' 'Error' = 'Black' 'Progress' = 'Cyan' 'Verbose' = 'Black' 'Warning' = 'Black' } } } } else { # Reset tokens to the defaults before applying theme specific mappings # Attempts to resolve issue where DefaultToken is set incorrectly $action = 'SET' Set-TokenColorConfiguration -Reset } $psr2colors = @{} if ($PSReadline = Get-Module PSReadLine) { Write-Debug "$action Readline Tokens" # Breaking changes are coming in PSReadLine 2.0. Colors should be set via the -Color parameter with a hashtable foreach ($token in @('ContinuationPrompt', 'DefaultToken', 'Comment', 'Keyword', 'String', 'Operator', 'Variable', 'Command', 'Parameter', 'Type', 'Number', 'Member', 'Emphasis', 'Error')) { Write-Debug "TOKEN $token" if ($tokenColors.foreground -and (Get-Member $token -InputObject ($tokenColors.foreground))) { if ($PSReadline.Version.Major -ge 2) { Write-Debug "Add Foreground $($token): $($tokenColors.foreground.($token))" $psr2colors.Add($token.Replace('Token', ''), "$([char]0x1b)[$($Script:PSColorMap[$tokenColors.foreground.($token)].Ansi.FG)") } else { if ($token -in @('ContinuationPrompt', 'Emphasis', 'Error')) { $expression = "Set-PSReadlineOption -$($token)ForegroundColor $($tokenColors.foreground.($token))" Write-Debug $expression Invoke-Expression $expression } elseif ($token -eq 'DefaultToken') { Write-Debug "Set-PSReadlineOption 'None' -ForegroundColor $($tokenColors.foreground.($token))" Set-PSReadlineOption 'None' -ForegroundColor $tokenColors.foreground.($token) } else { Write-Debug "Set-PSReadlineOption $token -ForegroundColor $($tokenColors.foreground.($token))" Set-PSReadlineOption $token -ForegroundColor $tokenColors.foreground.($token) } } } $background = $Theme.background if ($tokenColors.background -and (Get-Member $token -InputObject ($tokenColors.background))) { $background = $tokenColors.background.($token) } if ($background) { if ($PSReadline.Version.Major -ge 2) { Write-Debug "Add Background $($token): $background" $psr2colors[$token.Replace('Token', '')] += ";$($Script:PSColorMap[$background].Ansi.BG)" } else { if ($token -in @('ContinuationPrompt', 'Emphasis', 'Error')) { $expression = "Set-PSReadlineOption -$($token)BackgroundColor $background" Write-Debug $expression Invoke-Expression $expression } elseif ($token -eq 'DefaultToken') { Write-Debug "Set-PSReadlineOption 'None' -BackgroundColor $background" Set-PSReadlineOption 'None' -BackgroundColor $background } else { Write-Debug "Set-PSReadlineOption $token -BackgroundColor $background" Set-PSReadlineOption $token -BackgroundColor $background } } } } if (($PSReadline.Version.Major -ge 2) -and ($psr2colors.Count -gt 0)) { foreach ($key in @($psr2colors.Keys)) { $psr2colors[$key] += 'm' } Set-PSReadLineOption -Colors $psr2colors } } Write-Debug "$action Write Tokens" foreach ($token in @('Debug', 'Error', 'Progress', 'Verbose', 'Warning')) { if ($writeColors.foreground -and (Get-Member $token -InputObject ($writeColors.foreground))) { $expression = "`$Host.PrivateData.$($token)ForegroundColor = '$($writeColors.foreground.($token))'" Write-Debug $expression Invoke-Expression $expression } if ($token -eq 'Progress') { $background = 'Cyan' } else { $background = $Theme.background } if ($writeColors.background -and (Get-Member $token -InputObject ($writeColors.background))) { $background = $writeColors.background.($token) } if ($background) { $expression = "`$Host.PrivateData.$($token)BackgroundColor = '$background'" Write-Debug $expression Invoke-Expression $expression } } } |