Function Get-PowerShellFile { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets all PowerShell files in the specified directory. .DESCRIPTION Gets all PowerShell files (.ps1, .psm1 and .psd1) in the specified directory. The following PowerShell-related files are excluded : format data files, type data files and files containing Pester Tests. .PARAMETER Path To specify the path of the directory to search. .PARAMETER Recurse To search the Path directory and all subdirectories recursively. .PARAMETER Exclude To specify file(s) to exclude. The value of this parameter qualifies the Path parameter. Enter a path element or pattern, such as *example*. Wildcards are permitted. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-PowerShellFile -Path C:\GitRepos\MyModule\ -Recurse Gets all PowerShell files in the directory C:\GitRepos\MyModule\ and any subdirectories. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-PowerShellFile -Path C:\GitRepos\MyModule\ -Recurse -Exclude "*example*" Gets PowerShell files in the directory C:\GitRepos\MyModule\ and any subdirectories, except for files containing "example" in their name. .OUTPUTS System.String #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([String[]])] Param ( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [ValidateScript({ Test-Path $_ -PathType Container })] [string]$Path, [switch]$Recurse, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string[]]$Exclude ) $ChildItems = Get-ChildItem @PSBoundParameters -File $PowerShellFilter = { $_.Name -like '*.ps*1' } $PowerShellFiles = $ChildItems | Where-Object $PowerShellFilter Foreach ( $File in $PowerShellFiles ) { $FileAst = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile($File.FullName, [ref]$Null, [ref]$Null) $Predicate = { Param($Ast) $Ast -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.CommandAst] -and $Ast.GetCommandName() -eq 'Describe' -and $Ast.CommandElements.StaticType -contains [scriptblock] } $DescribeBlock = $FileAst.Find($Predicate, $False) If ( -not($DescribeBlock) ) { $File.FullName } } } |