function Get-CURaw { <# .SYNOPSIS Return the raw content of a ps1 or psm1 file as a AST scriptblock type. .DESCRIPTION Return the raw content of a ps1 or psm1 file as a AST scriptblock type. .EXAMPLE PS C:\PSClassUtils> Get-CURaw -Path .\Classes\Private\01_ClassProperty.ps1 Attributes : {} UsingStatements : {} ParamBlock : BeginBlock : ProcessBlock : EndBlock : Class ClassProperty { [String]$Name [String]$Type ClassProperty([String]$Name,[String]$Type){ $this.Name = $Name $This.Type = $Type } } DynamicParamBlock : ScriptRequirements : Extent : Class ClassProperty { [String]$Name [String]$Type ClassProperty([String]$Name,[String]$Type){ $this.Name = $Name $This.Type = $Type } } Parent : The cmdlet return an AST type representing the content of the 01_ClassProperty.ps1 file .INPUTS Path of a ps1 or psm1 file .OUTPUTS ScriptBlockAST .NOTES Ref: for implementing -raw AST #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Alias("FullName")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Path",Mandatory=$False,ValueFromPipeline=$True,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)] [System.IO.FileInfo[]]$Path ) BEGIN{} PROCESS{ Foreach ( $P in $Path ) { If ( $MyInvocation.PipelinePosition -eq 1 ) { $P = Get-Item (resolve-path $P).Path } If ( $P.Extension -in '.ps1','.psm1') { #[scriptblock]::Create( $(Get-Content -Path $P.FullName -Raw) ).Ast [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile($p.FullName, [ref]$null, [ref]$Null) } } } END{} } |