function Invoke-QuitJobButtonClick{ [CmdletBinding()] param() try{ $SelectedJob = $Null $SelectedJob = $UIHash.Jobs_DataGrid.SelectedItem if ($SelectedJob){ if ($SelectedJob.Status -eq "Completed" -or $SelectedJob.Status -eq "Quitting"){ Show-MessageBox -Text "This Job is either completed or in the process of quitting" -Icon Information return } $Message = "Are you sure you want to quit job - $($SelectedJob.JobName)?" $Message += "`nAll running chia processes under this job will be cancelled!" $Response = Show-MessageBox -Text $Message -Buttons YesNo if ($Response -eq [System.Windows.MessageBoxResult]::Yes){ $runningQueues = $SelectedJob.Queues | where Status -ne "Finished" | where Status -ne "Failed" foreach ($queue in $runningQueues){ $queue.Quit = $true $queue.Status = "Quitting" } foreach ($run in $SelectedJob.RunsInProgress){ $run.ChiaProcess.Kill() } $SelectedJob.Status = "Completed" } } else{ Show-MessageBox -Text "No Job Selected!" -Icon Warning } } catch{ Write-PSChiaPlotterLog -LogType "Error" -ErrorObject $_ } } |