function Update-PSChiaPlotter { [CmdletBinding()] param() $UpdateScript = [powershell]::Create().AddScript{ Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationFramework Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms Get-childItem -Path $DataHash.PrivateFunctions -File | ForEach-Object {Import-Module $_.FullName} Get-childItem -Path $DataHash.Classes -File | ForEach-Object {Import-Module $_.FullName} Import-Module -Name PSChiaPlotter $CurrentModule = Get-Module -Name PSChiaPlotter $NewestModule = Find-Module -Name PSChiaPLotter -Repository PSGallery if ($NewestModule.Version -gt $CurrentModule.Version){ $Response = Show-Messagebox -Text "New version found! Version - $($NewestModule.Version.ToString())`nWould you like to update now?" -Buttons YesNo if ($Response -eq [System.Windows.MessageBoxResult]::Yes){ try{ Update-Module -Name PSChiaPlotter -Force -ErrorAction Stop $message = "PSChiaPlotter module successfully updated from $($CurrentModule.Version.ToString()) to $($NewestModule.Version.ToString())" $message += "`nYou must restart the GUI before changes can take effect.`nOnly do this when your plots have finished!" Write-PSChiaPlotterLog -LogType INFO -Message $message Show-Messagebox -Text $message | Out-Null } catch{ Write-PSChiaPlotterLog -LogType ERROR -ErrorObject $_ Show-Messagebox -Text "Unable to update to the latest version. Check logs more info" | Out-Null } } } else{ Try{ Show-Messagebox -Text "Your PSChiaPlotter is up to date!" | Out-Null } catch{ Write-PSChiaPlotterLog -LogType ERROR -ErrorObject $_ } } } $UpdateScript.RunspacePool = $ScriptsHash.Runspacepool $UpdateScript.BeginInvoke() } |