function Test-ChiaParameters { param( $NewJob ) $ChiaParameters = $NewJob.InitialChiaParameters if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($NewJob.JobName)){ return "Job Name cannot be null or empty" } if ($ChiaParameters.RAM -lt 100){ return "RAM needs to be greater than 100" } if ($ChiaParameters.Threads -le 0){ return "Threads needs to 1 or higher" } if ($ChiaParameters.Buckets -le 0){ return "Buckets cannot be less than 1" } if ($NewJob.EnablePhaseOneLimitor){ if ($NewJob.PhaseOneLimit -lt 1){ return "Phase one limit cannot be less than 1... that doesn't make sense." } } if ($NewJob.BasicPlotting){ if (-not[System.IO.Directory]::Exists($ChiaParameters.BasicTempDirectory.DirectoryPath)){ return "Temp Directory `"$($ChiaParameters.BasicTempDirectory.DirectoryPath)`" does not exists" } if (-not[System.IO.Directory]::Exists($ChiaParameters.BasicFinalDirectory.DirectoryPath)){ return "Final Directory `"$($ChiaParameters.BasicFinalDirectory.DirectoryPath)`" does not exists" } if ($ChiaParameters.EnableBasicSecondTempDirectory){ if (-not[System.IO.Directory]::Exists($ChiaParameters.BasicSecondTempDirectory)){ return "2nd Temp Directory `"$($ChiaParameters.BasicSecondTempDirectory)`" does not exists" } } } else{ if ($NewJob.TempVolumes.Count -lt 1){ return "No Temp drives have been added!" } foreach ($tempvol in $NewJob.TempVolumes){ if (-not[System.IO.Directory]::Exists($tempvol.DirectoryPath)){ return "Temp Directory `"$($tempvol.DirectoryPath)`" does not exists" } $ValidPath = $false foreach ($path in $tempvol.AccessPaths){ if ($tempvol.DirectoryPath.StartsWith($path,[System.StringComparison]::CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)){ $ValidPath = $true } } #foreach if (-not$ValidPath){ return "Directory path '$($tempvol.DirectoryPath)' for Drive $($tempvol.DriveLetter) does not start with a valid access path, valid paths shown below.`n`n$($tempvol.AccessPaths | foreach {"$_`n"})" } } if ($NewJob.FinalVolumes.Count -lt 1){ return "No Final Drives have been added!" } foreach ($finalvol in $NewJob.FinalVolumes){ if (-not[System.IO.Directory]::Exists($finalvol.DirectoryPath)){ return "Final Directory `"$($finalvol.DirectoryPath)`" does not exists" } $ValidPath = $false foreach ($path in $finalvol.AccessPaths){ if ($finalvol.DirectoryPath.StartsWith($path,[System.StringComparison]::CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)){ $ValidPath = $true } } #foreach if (-not$ValidPath){ return "Directory path '$($finalvol.DirectoryPath)' for Drive $($finalvol.DriveLetter) does not start with a valid access path, valid paths shown below.`n`n$($finalvol.AccessPaths | foreach {"$_`n"})" } } } #else if (-not[System.IO.Directory]::Exists($ChiaParameters.LogDirectory)){ return "Log Directory does not exists" } if ($NewJob.DelayInMinutes -gt 35791){ return "Delay Time is greater than 35791 minutes, which is the max" } if ($NewJob.FirstDelay -gt 35791){ return "First delay time is greater than 35791 minutes, which is the max" } if ($ChiaParameters.PoolContractEnabled){ if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ChiaParameters.PoolContractAddress)){ return "Pool contract address is enabled, but no address was provided!" } } return $true } |