function New-ChiaQueueRunspace { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $Queue, $Job ) [powershell]::Create().AddScript{ Param ( $Job, $Queue ) $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationFramework Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms #Import required assemblies and private functions Get-childItem -Path $DataHash.PrivateFunctions -File | ForEach-Object {Import-Module $_.FullName} Get-childItem -Path $DataHash.Classes -File | ForEach-Object {Import-Module $_.FullName} try{ for ($runNumber = 1;($Job.CompletedRunCount + $Job.RunsInProgress.Count) -lt $Job.TotalPlotCount;$runNumber++){ $ChiaProcess = $Null if ($Queue.Pause){ $Queue.Status = "Paused" while ($Queue.Pause){ sleep 10 } if (($Job.CompletedRunCount + $Job.RunsInProgress.Count) -ge $Job.TotalPlotCount){ break } } #grab a volume that has enough space Do { Try{ $TempVolume = Get-BestChiaTempDrive -ChiaVolumes $Job.TempVolumes -ChiaJob $Job $FinalVolume = Get-BestChiaFinalDrive $Job.FinalVolumes if ($TempVolume -eq $Null){ $Queue.Status = "Waiting on Temp Space" Start-Sleep -Seconds 60 } elseif ($FinalVolume -eq $Null){ $Queue.Status = "Waiting on Final Dir Space" Start-Sleep -Seconds 60 } } catch{ $Queue.Status = "Failed To Grab Volume Info" Start-Sleep -Seconds 30 } } while ($TempVolume -eq $null -or $FinalVolume -eq $null) if (($Job.CompletedRunCount + $Job.RunsInProgress.Count) -ge $Job.TotalPlotCount){ break } $Queue.Status = "Running" $plottingParameters = [PSChiaPlotter.ChiaParameters]::New($Queue.PlottingParameters) $plottingParameters.TempVolume = $TempVolume $plottingParameters.FinalVolume = $FinalVolume $newRun = [PSChiaPlotter.ChiaRun]::new($Queue,$runNumber,$plottingParameters) if ($DataHash.Debug){ Start-GUIDebugRun -ChiaRun $newRun -ChiaQueue $Queue -ChiaJob $Job } else{ #Show-Object $newRun Start-GUIChiaPlotting -ChiaRun $newRun -ChiaQueue $Queue -ChiaJob $Job } #sleep to give some time for updating sleep 2 } $Queue.Status = "Finished" } catch{ Write-PSChiaPlotterLog -LogType "Error" -LineNumber $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber -Message $_.Exception.Message Show-Messagebox -Text $_.Exception.Message -Title "Queue - $($Queue.QueueNumber)" | Out-Null if ($ChiaProcess){ Show-Messagebox -Text "The Following Chia Process may be running and might need to killed - PID $($ChiaProcess.Id)" -Title "Queue" | Out-Null } } }.AddParameters($PSBoundParameters) } |