[ClassVersion("1.0.0"), FriendlyName("xIisModule")] class MSFT_xIisModule : OMI_BaseResource { [Key, Description("The path to the module, usually a dll, to be added to IIS.")] String Path; [Required, Description("The logical name of the module to add to IIS.")] String Name; [Required, Description("The allowed request Path example: *.php")] String RequestPath; [Required, Description("The supported verbs for the module.")] String Verb[]; [Write, Description("The IIS Site to register the module.")] String SiteName; [Write, Description("Should the module be present or absent."), ValueMap{"Present","Absent"}, Values{"Present","Absent"}] String Ensure; [Write, Description("The type of the module."), ValueMap{"FastCgiModule"}, Values{"FastCgiModule"}] String ModuleType; [Read, Description("The End Point is setup. Such as a Fast Cgi endpoint.")] Boolean EndPointSetup; }; |