
# Localized MSFT_xArchive.strings.psd1

ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    RetrievingArchiveState = Retrieving the state of the archive with path {0} and destination {1}...
    SettingArchiveState = Setting the state of the archive with path {0} and destination {1}...
    ArchiveStateSet = The state of the archive with path {0} and destination {1} has been set.
    TestingArchiveState = Testing whether or not the state of the archive with path {0} and destination {1} matches the desired state...
    PathAccessiblePSDriveNotNeeded = The path {0} is accessible. A new PSDrive is not needed.
    CreatingPSDrive = Creating a PSDrive to access the path {0} with permissions from the user {1}...
    RemovingPSDrive = Removing the mounted PSDrive {0}...
    DestinationExists = A directory already exists at the destination path {0}.
    DestinationDoesNotExist = A directory does not exist at the destination path {0}.
    CreatingDirectoryAtDestination = Creating the root directory at the destination path {0}...
    TestingIfArchiveExistsAtDestination = Testing if the archive at the destination path {0} exists...
    ArchiveExistsAtDestination = The archive at path {0} exists at the destination {1}.
    ArchiveDoesNotExistAtDestination = The archive at path {0} does not exist at the destination {1}.
    OpeningArchive = Opening the archive at path {0}...
    ClosingArchive = Closing the archive at path {0}...
    OpeningArchiveEntry = Opening the archive entry {0}...
    ItemWithArchiveEntryNameExists = An item with the same name as the archive entry exists at the destination path {0}.
    ItemWithArchiveEntryNameDoesNotExist = An item with the same name as the archive entry does not exist at the destination path {0}.
    ItemWithArchiveEntryNameIsNotDirectory = The item at the destination path {0} has the same name as a directory archive entry but is not a directory.
    ItemWithArchiveEntryNameIsNotFile = The item at the destination path {0} has the same name as a file archive entry but is not a file.
    TestingIfFileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum = Testing if the file at {0} matches the archive entry at {1} by the checksum method {2}...
    ComparingHashes = Comparing the hash of the file at {0} to the hash of the archive entry at {1} with the hash algorithm {2}...
    FileMatchesArchiveEntryByChecksum = The file at {0} matches the archive entry at {1} by the checksum method {2}.
    FileDoesNotMatchArchiveEntryByChecksum = The file at {0} does not match the archive entry at {1} by the checksum method {2}.
    ExpandingArchiveToDestination = Expanding the archive at {0} to the destination {1}...
    CreatingParentDirectory = Creating an archive entry parent directory at the path {0}...
    OverwritingItem = Overwriting the item at the path {0}...
    CopyingArchiveEntryToDestination = Copying the corresponding archive entry to the path {0}...
    RemovingArchiveFromDestination = Removing archive from the destination path {0}...
    RemovingDirectory = Removing the directory at path {0}...
    RemovingFile = Removing the file at path {0}...
    CouldNotRemoveItemOfIncorrectType = The file at {0} does not match the item type (file, directory, or other) or the archive entry at {1}, so it will not be removed.
    ArchiveRemovedFromDestination = Archive removed from the destination path {0}.
    ChecksumSpecifiedAndValidateFalse = The Checksum parameter was specified as {0} but the Validate parameter is set to false for the archive with path {1} and destination {2}. Please specify the Validate parameter as true to use the Checksum parameter.
    PathDoesNotContainValidPSDriveRoot = The path {0} cannot be accessed because it does not contain any directories to use as the root of a PSDrive.
    ErrorCreatingPSDrive = An error occurred while attempting to create a PSDrive to access the path {0} under the user {1}.
    PathDoesNotExistAsLeaf = The path {0} does not exist or is not a path leaf.
    DestinationExistsAsFile = A file exists at the desintation path {0}.
    ErrorOpeningArchive = An error occurred while attempting to open the archive at path {0}.
    ErrorCopyingFromArchiveToDestination = An error occurred while attempting copy from the archive to the destination path {0}.
    DirectoryIsNotEmpty = The directory at path {0} is not empty, so it will not be removed.
    ErrorComparingHashes = An error occurred while comparing the hash of the file at {0} to the archive entry {1} with the hash algorithm {2}.
    ForceNotSpecifiedToOverwriteItem = An item already exists at {0} that does not match the item in the archive at {1}, but the Force parameter has not been specified to overwrite this item.