
# Localized resources for MSFT_xNetworkTeam

ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    getTeamInfo = Getting network team information for {0}.
    foundTeam = Found a network team with name {0}.
    teamMembersExist = Members in the network team {0} exist as per the configuration.
    teamNotFound = Network team with name {0} not found.
    lbAlgoDifferent = Load Balancing Algo is different from the requested {0} algo.
    teamingModeDifferent = Teaming mode is different from the requested {0} mode.
    modifyTeam = Modifying the network team named {0}.
    membersDifferent = Members within the team named {0} are different from that requested in the configuration.
    removingMembers = Removing members {0} not specified in the configuration.
    addingMembers = Adding members {0} that are not a part of the team configuration.
    createTeam = Creating a network team with the name {0}.
    removeTeam = Removing a network team with the name {0}.
    teamExistsNoAction = Network team with name {0} exists. No action needed.
    teamExistsWithDifferentConfig = Network team with name {0} exists but with different configuration. This will be modified.
    teamDoesNotExistShouldCreate = Network team with name {0} does not exist. It will be created.
    teamExistsShouldRemove = Network team with name {0} exists. It will be removed.
    teamDoesNotExistNoAction = Network team with name {0} does not exist. No action needed.
    waitingForTeam = Waiting for network team status to change to up.
    createdNetTeam = Network Team was created successfully.
    failedToCreateTeam = Failed to create the network team with specific configuration.