
# Localized resources for MSFT_xDhcpClient

ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    GettingDHCPClientMessage = Getting the DHCP Client on {1} interface "{0}".
    ApplyingDHCPClientMessage = Applying the DHCP Client on {1} interface "{0}".
    DHCPClientSetStateMessage = DHCP Client was set to the desired state {2} on {1} interface "{0}".
    CheckingDHCPClientMessage = Checking the DHCP Client on {1} interface "{0}".
    DHCPClientDoesNotMatchMessage = DHCP Client is not in the desired state {2} on {1} interface "{0}".
    InterfaceNotAvailableError = Interface "{0}" is not available. Please select a valid interface and try again.