function New-ConnectionParameters { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates an universal connection parameters object that can be conveniently used for opening connections. .DESCRIPTION It returns following hashtable: ``` @{ Nodes = <array of nodes> NodesAsString = <nodes in string format> RemotingMode = <RemotingMode> Credential = <Credential> Authentication = <Authentication> Port = <Port> Protocol = <Protocol> PSSessionParams = <hashtable that can be used for splatting in Invoke-Command> CimSessionParams = <hashtable that can be used for splatting in New-CimSession> MsDeployDestinationString = <string that can be used for opening msdeploy connections> OptionsAsString = <string describing all options for logging purposes> } ``` .PARAMETER Nodes Names of remote nodes where the connection will be established. .PARAMETER RemotingMode Defines type of remoting protocol to be used for remote connection. Available values: - **PSRemoting** (default) - **WebDeployHandler** - https://<server>:<8172>/msdeploy.axd - **WebDeployAgentService** - http://<server>/MsDeployAgentService .PARAMETER Credential A PSCredential object that will be used when opening a remoting session to any of the $Nodes specified. .PARAMETER Authentication Defines type of authentication that will be used to establish remote connection. Available values: - **Basic** - **NTLM** - **CredSSP** - **Default** (default) - **Digest** - **Kerberos** - **Negotiate** - **NegotiateWithImplicitCredential** .PARAMETER Port Defines the port used for establishing remote connection. .PARAMETER Protocol Defines the transport protocol used for establishing remote connection (HTTP or HTTPS). Available values: - **HTTP** (default) - **HTTPS** .PARAMETER CrossDomain Should be on when destination nodes are outside current domain. .EXAMPLE New-ConnectionParameters -Nodes server1 #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([PSCustomObject])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string[]] $Nodes, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet('PSRemoting', 'WebDeployHandler', 'WebDeployAgentService')] [string] $RemotingMode = 'PSRemoting', [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet($null, 'Basic', 'NTLM', 'Credssp', 'Default', 'Digest', 'Kerberos', 'Negotiate', 'NegotiateWithImplicitCredential')] [string] $Authentication, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $Port, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] [ValidateSet($null, 'HTTP', 'HTTPS')] $Protocol, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $CrossDomain ) $psRemotingParams = @{} $cimSessionParams = @{} if ($RemotingMode -eq 'PSRemoting') { if ($Nodes) { $psRemotingParams['ComputerName'] = $Nodes } if ($Authentication -and $Nodes) { $psRemotingParams['Authentication'] = $Authentication } if ($Credential) { $psRemotingParams['Credential'] = $Credential # if we have Credentials, we need to have ComputerName (to properly select parameter set in Invoke-Command) if (!$Nodes) { $psRemotingParams['ComputerName'] = 'localhost' } } if ($Port) { $psRemotingParams['Port'] = $Port } if ($Protocol -eq 'HTTPS') { $psRemotingParams['UseSSL'] = $true $psRemotingParams['SessionOption'] = New-PSSessionOption -SkipCACheck -SkipCNCheck -SkipRevocationCheck } if ($Nodes) { $cimSessionParams['ComputerName'] = $Nodes } if ($Authentication) { $cimSessionParams['Authentication'] = $Authentication } #$params['SkipTestConnection'] = $true if ($Credential) { $cimSessionParams['Credential'] = $Credential } if ($Port) { $cimSessionParams['Port'] = $Port } if ($Protocol -eq 'HTTPS') { $cimSessionParams['SessionOption'] = New-CimSessionOption -UseSsl -SkipCACheck -SkipCNCheck -SkipRevocationCheck } $msDeployDestinationString = $null } else { if ($Nodes.Count -ne 1) { throw "Only one node can be specified for RemotingMode = $RemotingMode." } if ($RemotingMode -eq "WebDeployHandler") { if (!$Port) { # default port $Port = '8172' } if ($Protocol -eq 'HTTP') { $urlProtocol = 'http' } else { $urlProtocol = 'https' } $url = "{0}://{1}:{2}/msdeploy.axd" -f $urlProtocol, $Nodes[0], $Port } else { if (!$Port) { # default port $Port = '80' } if ($Protocol -eq 'HTTPS') { $urlProtocol = 'https' } else { $urlProtocol = 'http' } $url = "{0}://{1}:{2}/MsDeployAgentService" -f $urlProtocol, $Nodes[0], $Port } $msDeployDestinationString = "computerName=`"$url`"" if ($Authentication) { $msDeployDestinationString += ",authType=`"$Authentication`"" } if ($Credential) { $msDeployDestinationString += ",userName=`"$($Credential.UserName)`"" if ($Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password) { $msDeployDestinationString += ",password=`"$($Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password)`"" } } $msDeployDestinationString += (",includeAcls=false") $msDeployDestinationString += " -allowUntrusted" } if ($Credential) { $userName = $Credential.UserName } else { $userName = "" } return @{ Nodes = @($Nodes) NodesAsString = @($Nodes) -join ',' RemotingMode = $RemotingMode Credential = $Credential Authentication = $Authentication Port = $Port Protocol = $Protocol CrossDomain = $CrossDomain PSSessionParams = $psRemotingParams CimSessionParams = $cimSessionParams MsDeployDestinationString = $msDeployDestinationString OptionsAsString = "Credential: '$userName', RemotingMode: '$RemotingMode', Auth: '$Authentication', Protocol: '$Protocol', Port: '$Port'" } } |