
function Test-Module
        Runs ScriptCop and module test cases
        Runs ScriptCop static analysis on a module, and then runs test cases included with the module.
        Tests can be declared in many ways.
        ScriptCop will look for a file in each module:
        This file contains information about how the module will be tested.
        If this file is present, it will be used to declare test passes that can be run. For example:
                'BuildVerificationTests' = '/Tests/BVT*.test.ps1', 'Getting_Started', 'Test-Function:1'
                'ScriptCop' = 'Test-CommandNamingConvention', 'Test-ForCommonParameterMistake', 'Test-ForPipelineParameter',
                    'Test-ForParameterSetAmbiguity', 'Test-ParameterNamingConvention', 'Test-Help', 'Test-ProcessBlockImplemented'
        The above file declares a test pass called BuildVerifiationTests, that runs any files in /Tests/BVT, the Getting_Started demo, and the first the function example of Test-Function.
        It also declares the static analysis of the module only uses the a subset of the available rules.
        If the ScriptCop.psd1 file is not present, several test passes will be automatically created:
        - A test pass will be generated from each demo file
        - A test pass will be generated from all examples in each function
        Unless the -TestPass parameter is provided, all test passes declared will be run.

    # The name of the module
        if (-not (Get-Module "$_")) {
            $isavailable = Get-Module -ListAvailable "$_"
            if ($isavailable) {
                $isavailable | Import-Module -Global
    return $true

    # If provided, will run only the specific test passes.
    # If this is provided, and it does not include the term "ScriptCop", static analysis will not be run.

    # A list of individual test cases. Each test case can be:
    # * The name of a demo file
    # * The relative path to a .test.ps1 within the module
    # * The name of a command, and the number of it's example
    # If set, will collect script coverage information while running test cases

    # If set, will collect coverage information on commands and their parameters.

    process {
        #region Load Module and Test Pass Information
        $realModule= Get-Module $Name

        $progressId = Get-Random
        $moduleRoot =$realModule | Split-Path

        $scriptTestPass = @{}
        if (Test-Path "$moduleRoot\$name.ScriptCop.psd1") {
            $scriptTestPass += & ([ScriptBlock]::Create("
            data {

            if (-not $PSBoundParameters.TestPass) {
                $TestPass = $scriptTestPass.Keys | Sort-Object

        $rules = Get-ScriptCopRule | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
        if (-not $scriptTestPass.ScriptCop -or $scriptTestPass.ScriptCop -eq '*') {
            $scriptTestPass.ScriptCop = $rules
        #endregion Load Module and Test Pass Information

        #region Load Demo files and examples
        $demos = Get-ChildItem "$moduleRoot" -Recurse |
            Where-Object {
                $_.Name -like "*.demo.ps1" -or $_.Name -like "*.walkthru.help.txt"
            } |
            ForEach-Object {
                $_.Name -ireplace "\.demo\.ps1", "" -ireplace "\.walkthru\.help\.txt", ""

        if (-not $scriptTestPass.Demo) {
            $scriptTestPass.Demo = $demos
        $exampleDict = @{}
        $moduleCommands = @(Get-Command -Module $name -CommandType Function, Cmdlet )
        $moduleCommands | 
            ForEach-Object -Begin {
                $counter = 0
            } -Process {
                $cmd = $_
                $help = $_ | Get-Help
                $perc = $counter * 100 / $moduleCommands.Count
                Write-Progress "Building Examples Dictionary" "$cmd" -PercentComplete $perc -id $progressId
                $count = 1
                $exampleTestCases = if ($help.Examples.Example) {
                    $help.examples.example | 
                        ForEach-Object {
                            $exampleDict["$($cmd):$count"] = $_.Code + ([environment]::NewLine) + $($_.Remarks | Out-String)


                if (-not $scriptTestPass.($cmd.name)) {
                    $scriptTestPass.($cmd.name) = $exampleTestCases
        #endregion Load Demo files and examples

        #region Extract Test Case Objects from walkthrus, ScriptCop rules, and walkthrus
        $extractTestCase = {
            $testPassInfo = $_
            $c = 0
            if ($TestPassInfo.Key -eq "ScriptCop") {
                New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                    TestPass = $TestPassInfo.Key
                    TestCase = "ScriptCop"
                    ScriptBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create("Get-Module $Name | Test-Command -Rule '$($_.Value -join "','")'")
                    Data = @(@{})
            foreach ($v in $_.Value) {
                if ($exampleDict["$v"]) {
                    New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                        TestPass = $TestPassInfo.Key
                        TestCase = "$v"
                        ScriptBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create($exampleDict["$v"])
                        Data = @(@{})
                } else {
                    Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $moduleRoot |
                        ForEach-Object {
                            $relativePath = $_.FullName.Replace($moduleRoot, "").TrimStart("\")
                            if ($_.Name -like "*.walkthru.help.txt" -and $_.Name -ireplace "\.walkthru\.help\.txt" -eq "$v".Replace(" ", "_")) {
                                New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                                    TestPass = $testPassInfo.Key
                                    TestCase = $_.Name -ireplace "\.walkthru\.help\.txt" -ireplace "_", " "            
                                    ScriptBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create([IO.File]::ReadAllText($_.FullName))
                                    Data = @(@{})
                            } elseif ($_.Name -like "*.demo.ps1" -and $_.Name -ireplace "\.demo\.ps1" -eq "$v".Replace(" ", "_")) {
                                New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                                    TestPass = $testPassInfo.Key
                                    TestCase = $_.Name -ireplace "\.demo\.ps1" -ireplace "_", " "            
                                    ScriptBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create([IO.File]::ReadAllText($_.FullName))
                                    Data = @(@{})
                            } elseif ($_.Name -like "*.test.ps1" -and $relativePath -like "*$v*") {
                                New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                                    TestPass = $testPassInfo.Key
                                    TestCase = $_.Name -ireplace "\.test\.ps1" -ireplace "_", " "            
                                    ScriptBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create([IO.File]::ReadAllText($_.FullName))
                                    Data = @(@{})
        #endregion Extract Test Case Objects from walkthrus, ScriptCop rules, and walkthrus

        #region Determine Test Cases
        $theTestCases = 
            @(if ($TestCase) {
                $scriptTestPass.GetEnumerator() |
                    Sort-Object Key|
                    Where-Object {
                        (-not $TestPass -or 
                        $TestPass -contains $_.Key) -and $TestPass -ne 'TestData'
                    } |
                    ForEach-Object $extractTestCase |
                    Where-Object {
                        $TestCase -contains $_.TestCase
            } else {
                $scriptTestPass.GetEnumerator() |
                    Sort-Object Key|
                    Where-Object {
                        (-not $TestPass -or 
                        $TestPass -contains $_.Key) -and $TestPass -ne 'TestData'
                    } | 
                    ForEach-Object $extractTestCase
        #endregion Determine Test Cases

        $TestPassProgressId = Get-Random
        if ($GetCommandCoverage) {
            Enable-CommandCoverage -Module $Name            

        #region Run the test pass
        $c = 0
        $testPasses = $theTestCases | Group-Object TestPass

        $totalTestCount = 0
        $totalTestPassCount = 0
        $passedTestCaseCount = 0
        $passedTestPassCount = 0
        foreach ($testPassInfo in $testPasses) {
            $c = 0
            $TestPassResults = foreach ($testCaseInfo in $testPassInfo.Group) {
                $perc = $c * 100 / $testPassInfo.Count
                Write-Progress "Running Tests - $($testCaseInfo.TestPass)" "$($TestCaseInfo.TestCase)" -PercentComplete $perc -Id $progressId 
                $testOutput = @(try {
                    if ($GetScriptCoverage) {
                        $realModule | 
                            Split-Path |
                            Get-ChildItem -Filter *.ps1 -Recurse |
                                Show-ScriptCoverage -Command $testCaseInfo.ScriptBlock -DoNotDotSource
                    } else {
                        & $testCaseInfo.ScriptBlock 2>&1
                } catch {

                $errorList = @(if ($testCaseInfo.testPass -ne 'ScriptCop') {
                    if ($testOutput | ?{ $_ -is [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]}) {
                        $testOutput | ? {$_ -is  [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]}
                    } elseif ($testOutput | ?{ $_ -is [Exception]}) {
                        $testOutput | ? {$_ -is  [Exception]}

                } else {
                    $testOutput | ? {$_ -isnot [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]}

                $testCaseOutput = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                    Passed = $errorList.Count -eq 0  
                    Errors = $errorList
                    Output = $testOutput
                    TestPass = $testCaseInfo.TestPass
                    TestCase= $testCaseInfo.TestCase

                if ($testCaseOutput.Passed) {
            $testPassOutput = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                TestPass = $testPassInfo.Name
                Results = $TestPassResults
                Passed = -not ($TestPassResults | ? { -not $_.Passed })

            if ($testPassOutput.Passed) {
        Write-Progress "Running Tests" "Completed" -Id $TestPassProgressId -Completed

        $testPassSummary = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
            TotalTestCases = $totalTestCount
            PassingTestCases = $passedTestCaseCount
            PercentPassingTestCases = $passedTestCaseCount * 100 / $totalTestCount
            TotalTestPasses = $totalTestPassCount
            PassingTestPasses = $totalTestPassCount
            PercentPassingTestPasses = $passedTestPassCount * 100 / $totalTestPassCount
            Module = $Name


        if ($GetCommandCoverage) {

            Get-CommandCoverage -Module $Name
            Disable-CommandCoverage -Module $name            

        #endregion Run the test pass
