function Test-Module { <# .Synopsis Runs ScriptCop and module test cases .Description Runs ScriptCop static analysis on a module, and then runs test cases included with the module. Tests can be declared in many ways. ScriptCop will look for a file in each module: ModuleName.ScriptCop.psd1 This file contains information about how the module will be tested. If this file is present, it will be used to declare test passes that can be run. For example: @{ 'BuildVerificationTests' = '/Tests/BVT*.test.ps1', 'Getting_Started', 'Test-Function:1' 'ScriptCop' = 'Test-CommandNamingConvention', 'Test-ForCommonParameterMistake', 'Test-ForPipelineParameter', 'Test-ForParameterSetAmbiguity', 'Test-ParameterNamingConvention', 'Test-Help', 'Test-ProcessBlockImplemented' } The above file declares a test pass called BuildVerifiationTests, that runs any files in /Tests/BVT, the Getting_Started demo, and the first the function example of Test-Function. It also declares the static analysis of the module only uses the a subset of the available rules. If the ScriptCop.psd1 file is not present, several test passes will be automatically created: - A test pass will be generated from each demo file - A test pass will be generated from all examples in each function Unless the -TestPass parameter is provided, all test passes declared will be run. #> param( # The name of the module [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [ValidateScript({ if (-not (Get-Module "$_")) { $isavailable = Get-Module -ListAvailable "$_" if ($isavailable) { $isavailable | Import-Module -Global } } return $true })] [string] $Name, # If provided, will run only the specific test passes. # If this is provided, and it does not include the term "ScriptCop", static analysis will not be run. [string[]] $TestPass, # A list of individual test cases. Each test case can be: # * The name of a demo file # * The relative path to a .test.ps1 within the module # * The name of a command, and the number of it's example [string[]] $TestCase, # If set, will collect script coverage information while running test cases [Switch] $GetScriptCoverage, # If set, will collect coverage information on commands and their parameters. [Switch] $GetCommandCoverage ) process { #region Load Module and Test Pass Information $realModule= Get-Module $Name $progressId = Get-Random $moduleRoot =$realModule | Split-Path $scriptTestPass = @{} if (Test-Path "$moduleRoot\$name.ScriptCop.psd1") { $scriptTestPass += & ([ScriptBlock]::Create(" data { $([IO.File]::ReadAllText("$moduleRoot\$name.ScriptCop.psd1")) } ")) if (-not $PSBoundParameters.TestPass) { $TestPass = $scriptTestPass.Keys | Sort-Object } } $rules = Get-ScriptCopRule | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name if (-not $scriptTestPass.ScriptCop -or $scriptTestPass.ScriptCop -eq '*') { $scriptTestPass.ScriptCop = $rules } #endregion Load Module and Test Pass Information #region Load Demo files and examples $demos = Get-ChildItem "$moduleRoot" -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.Name -like "*.demo.ps1" -or $_.Name -like "*.walkthru.help.txt" } | ForEach-Object { $_.Name -ireplace "\.demo\.ps1", "" -ireplace "\.walkthru\.help\.txt", "" } if (-not $scriptTestPass.Demo) { $scriptTestPass.Demo = $demos } $exampleDict = @{} $moduleCommands = @(Get-Command -Module $name -CommandType Function, Cmdlet ) $moduleCommands | ForEach-Object -Begin { $counter = 0 } -Process { $cmd = $_ $help = $_ | Get-Help $counter++ $perc = $counter * 100 / $moduleCommands.Count Write-Progress "Building Examples Dictionary" "$cmd" -PercentComplete $perc -id $progressId $count = 1 $exampleTestCases = if ($help.Examples.Example) { $help.examples.example | ForEach-Object { "$($cmd):$count" $exampleDict["$($cmd):$count"] = $_.Code + ([environment]::NewLine) + $($_.Remarks | Out-String) $count++ } } if (-not $scriptTestPass.($cmd.name)) { $scriptTestPass.($cmd.name) = $exampleTestCases } } #endregion Load Demo files and examples #region Extract Test Case Objects from walkthrus, ScriptCop rules, and walkthrus $extractTestCase = { $testPassInfo = $_ $c = 0 if ($TestPassInfo.Key -eq "ScriptCop") { New-Object PSObject -Property @{ TestPass = $TestPassInfo.Key TestCase = "ScriptCop" ScriptBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create("Get-Module $Name | Test-Command -Rule '$($_.Value -join "','")'") Data = @(@{}) } return } foreach ($v in $_.Value) { $C++ if ($exampleDict["$v"]) { New-Object PSObject -Property @{ TestPass = $TestPassInfo.Key TestCase = "$v" ScriptBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create($exampleDict["$v"]) Data = @(@{}) } } else { Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $moduleRoot | ForEach-Object { $relativePath = $_.FullName.Replace($moduleRoot, "").TrimStart("\") if ($_.Name -like "*.walkthru.help.txt" -and $_.Name -ireplace "\.walkthru\.help\.txt" -eq "$v".Replace(" ", "_")) { New-Object PSObject -Property @{ TestPass = $testPassInfo.Key TestCase = $_.Name -ireplace "\.walkthru\.help\.txt" -ireplace "_", " " ScriptBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create([IO.File]::ReadAllText($_.FullName)) Data = @(@{}) } } elseif ($_.Name -like "*.demo.ps1" -and $_.Name -ireplace "\.demo\.ps1" -eq "$v".Replace(" ", "_")) { New-Object PSObject -Property @{ TestPass = $testPassInfo.Key TestCase = $_.Name -ireplace "\.demo\.ps1" -ireplace "_", " " ScriptBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create([IO.File]::ReadAllText($_.FullName)) Data = @(@{}) } } elseif ($_.Name -like "*.test.ps1" -and $relativePath -like "*$v*") { New-Object PSObject -Property @{ TestPass = $testPassInfo.Key TestCase = $_.Name -ireplace "\.test\.ps1" -ireplace "_", " " ScriptBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create([IO.File]::ReadAllText($_.FullName)) Data = @(@{}) } } } } } } #endregion Extract Test Case Objects from walkthrus, ScriptCop rules, and walkthrus #region Determine Test Cases $theTestCases = @(if ($TestCase) { $scriptTestPass.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Key| Where-Object { (-not $TestPass -or $TestPass -contains $_.Key) -and $TestPass -ne 'TestData' } | ForEach-Object $extractTestCase | Where-Object { $TestCase -contains $_.TestCase } } else { $scriptTestPass.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Key| Where-Object { (-not $TestPass -or $TestPass -contains $_.Key) -and $TestPass -ne 'TestData' } | ForEach-Object $extractTestCase }) #endregion Determine Test Cases $TestPassProgressId = Get-Random if ($GetCommandCoverage) { Enable-CommandCoverage -Module $Name } #region Run the test pass $c = 0 $testPasses = $theTestCases | Group-Object TestPass $totalTestCount = 0 $totalTestPassCount = 0 $passedTestCaseCount = 0 $passedTestPassCount = 0 foreach ($testPassInfo in $testPasses) { $c = 0 $TestPassResults = foreach ($testCaseInfo in $testPassInfo.Group) { $perc = $c * 100 / $testPassInfo.Count Write-Progress "Running Tests - $($testCaseInfo.TestPass)" "$($TestCaseInfo.TestCase)" -PercentComplete $perc -Id $progressId $c++ $testOutput = @(try { if ($GetScriptCoverage) { $realModule | Split-Path | Get-ChildItem -Filter *.ps1 -Recurse | Show-ScriptCoverage -Command $testCaseInfo.ScriptBlock -DoNotDotSource } else { & $testCaseInfo.ScriptBlock 2>&1 } } catch { $_ }) $errorList = @(if ($testCaseInfo.testPass -ne 'ScriptCop') { if ($testOutput | ?{ $_ -is [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]}) { $testOutput | ? {$_ -is [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]} } elseif ($testOutput | ?{ $_ -is [Exception]}) { $testOutput | ? {$_ -is [Exception]} } } else { $testOutput | ? {$_ -isnot [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]} }) $testCaseOutput = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Passed = $errorList.Count -eq 0 Errors = $errorList Output = $testOutput TestPass = $testCaseInfo.TestPass TestCase= $testCaseInfo.TestCase } $totalTestCount++ if ($testCaseOutput.Passed) { $passedTestCaseCount++ } $testCaseOutput.pstypenames.clear() $testCaseOutput.pstypenames.add('ScriptCop.Test.Output') $testCaseOutput } $totalTestPassCount++ $testPassOutput = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ TestPass = $testPassInfo.Name Results = $TestPassResults Passed = -not ($TestPassResults | ? { -not $_.Passed }) } if ($testPassOutput.Passed) { $passedTestPassCount++ } $testPassOutput.pstypenames.clear() $testPassOutput.pstypenames.add('ScriptCop.Test.Pass.Output') $testPassOutput } Write-Progress "Running Tests" "Completed" -Id $TestPassProgressId -Completed $testPassSummary = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ TotalTestCases = $totalTestCount PassingTestCases = $passedTestCaseCount PercentPassingTestCases = $passedTestCaseCount * 100 / $totalTestCount TotalTestPasses = $totalTestPassCount PassingTestPasses = $totalTestPassCount PercentPassingTestPasses = $passedTestPassCount * 100 / $totalTestPassCount Module = $Name } $testPassSummary.pstypenames.clear() $testPassSummary.pstypenames.Add('ScriptCop.Test.Pass.Summary') $testPassSummary if ($GetCommandCoverage) { Get-CommandCoverage -Module $Name Disable-CommandCoverage -Module $name } #endregion Run the test pass } } |