
function Test-CommandNamingConvention
    begin {
        $standardVerbs = @{}
        Get-Verb | 
            ForEach-Object { $standardVerbs."$($_.Verb)" = $_ } 
    process {    
        $commandName = $commandInfo.Name
        $verb, $noun, $rest = $commandName -split '-'
        # Custom OBJ change start: custom DSL
        $exclusions = @('ServerRole', 'Environment', 'Tokens', 'ServerConnection', 'Step')
        if ($exclusions -icontains $commandName) {
        # Custom OBJ change end
        if (-not $noun) {
            Write-Error "$CommandInfo does not follow the verb-noun naming convention.
PowerShell commands should be named like:
To see all of the standard verbs, run 'Get-Verb'

        if ($rest) {
            Write-Error "$CommandInfo name contains an additional -, please rename the command"
        # Custom OBJ change start: custom accepted verbs
        $additionalVerbs = @("build", "deploy")
        if (-not $standardVerbs.$verb -and $additionalVerbs -inotcontains $verb) {
        # Custom OBJ change end
            Write-Error "$CommandInfo uses a non-standard verb, $Verb. Please change it. Use Get-Verb to see all verbs"
        if ($commandName.IndexOfAny("#,(){}[]&/\`$^;:`"'<>|?@``*%+=~ ".ToCharArray()) -ne -1)
            Write-Error "$commandInfo name contains invalid characters"