# # Module manifest for module 'PSBluesky' # @{ RootModule = 'PSBlueSky.psm1' ModuleVersion = '2.3.0' CompatiblePSEditions = 'Core' GUID = 'c5c1fd1d-e648-432d-b7d6-bb56f2044c2a' Author = 'Jeff Hicks' CompanyName = 'JDH Information Technology Solutions, Inc.' Copyright = '(c)2024-2025 JDH Information Technology Solutions, Inc.' Description = 'A set of PowerShell commands that use the Bluesky API. You can skeet and upload images from a PowerShell prompt. This module is written for PowerShell 7 and uses features like $PSStyle.' PowerShellVersion = '7.4' FunctionsToExport = @( 'Add-BskyImage', 'Find-BskyUser', 'Get-BskyAccountDID', 'Get-BskyBlockedList' 'Get-BskyBlockedUser', 'Get-BskyFeed', 'Get-BskyFollowers', 'Get-BskyFollowing', 'Get-BskyLiked' 'Get-BskyNotification' 'Get-BskyProfile', 'Get-BskySession', 'Get-BskyModuleInfo', 'Get-BskyTimeline', 'New-BskyFollow', 'New-BskyPost', 'Open-BskyHelp', 'Publish-BskyPost', 'Remove-BskyFollow', 'Start-BskySession' 'Update-BskySession', 'Get-BskyPreference', 'Set-BskyPreference', 'Export-BskyPreference', 'Remove-BskyPreferenceFile' ) TypesToProcess = @( 'types/PSBlueSky.types.ps1xml' ) FormatsToProcess = @( 'formats\PSBlueSkyTimelinePost.format.ps1xml', 'formats\PSBlueskyBlockedUser.format.ps1xml', 'formats\PSBlueskyBlockedList.format.ps1xml', 'formats\PSBlueskyProfile.format.ps1xml', 'formats\PSBlueskyFollower.format.ps1xml', 'formats\PSBlueskyFeed.format.ps1xml', 'formats\PSBlueskyLiked.format.ps1xml', 'formats\PSBlueskySession.format.ps1xml', 'formats\PSBlueskyNotification.format.ps1xml', 'formats\PSBlueskySearchResult.format.ps1xml', 'formats\PSBlueskyModuleInfo.format.ps1xml' ) CmdletsToExport = '' VariablesToExport = 'bskyPreferences' AliasesToExport = @( 'skeet', 'Refresh-BskySession', 'Repost-BskyPost', 'bshelp', 'bsliked', 'bsn', 'bsp', 'bsfeed', 'bsfollow', 'bsfollower', 'bst', 'bsu', 'bss', 'bsblock', 'bsblocklist', 'Follow-BskyUser', 'Unfollow-BskyUser' ) PrivateData = @{ PSData = @{ Tags = @('Bluesky', 'skeet','API', 'adprotocol') LicenseUri = '' ProjectUri = '' IconUri = '' ReleaseNotes = @' ## [2.3.0] - 2025-01-13 ### Added - Added commands `New-BskyFollow` and `Remove-BskyFollow`, with aliases `Follow-BskyUser` and `Unfollow-BskyUser` to handle following and un-following Bluesky user accounts. [[Issue #32](] - Created a user-configurable preferences variable, `$bskyPreferences` and related commands: `Get-BskyPreference`, `Set-BskyPreference`, `Export-BskyPreference`, and `Remove-BskyPreferenceFile`. The preference variable is exported so that the formatting files can use it, but should be managed with the related functions. [[Issue #31](] - Added alias `bsliked` for `Get-BskyLiked`. ### Changed - Updated verbose helper function to use the new formatting preferences. - Updated formatting files to use the new preference variable. - Moved all type extensions defined in the module file using `Update-TypeData` to the external types.ps1xml file. - Updated ``. - Updated help documentation. - Updated module to remove additional types on module removal. '@ RequireLicenseAcceptance = $false ExternalModuleDependencies = @() } # End of PSData hashtable } # End of PrivateData hashtable } |