#region load string data # used for culture debugging #write-host "Importing with culture $(Get-Culture)" -ForeGroundColor yellow if ((Get-Culture).Name -match '\w+' -AND (Test-Path "$PSScriptRoot/$((Get-Culture).Name)/PSBluesky.psd1")) { #write-host "Loading $PSScriptRoot\$((Get-Culture).Name)\PSBluesky.psd1" -ForegroundColor yellow Import-LocalizedData -BindingVariable strings } else { #force using En-US if no culture found, which might happen on non-Windows systems. #write-host "Loading $PSScriptRoot\en-us\PSBluesky.psd1" -ForegroundColor yellow Import-LocalizedData -BindingVariable strings -FileName PSBluesky.psd1 -BaseDirectory $PSScriptRoot/en-us } #endregion #region Main Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot\functions\*.ps1 | ForEach-Object { . $_.FullName } #define module scoped variables $PDSHOST = '' <# initialize a caching hashtable for post texts. The key will be an AT value like at://did:plc:ohgsqpfsbocaaxusxqlgfvd7/ and the value will the text of the post #> # 21 Nov 2024 - making this a global variable which will persist # between module reloads. Thanks to @ShaunLawrie for the suggestion if ($null -eq $global:BskyPostCache) { $global:BskyPostCache = @{} } $ModuleVersion = (Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $PSScriptRoot\PSBlueSky.psd1).ModuleVersion #write-host "importing module version $ModuleVersion" -ForegroundColor Green #register an event to remove the background session runspace #when the module is removed $OnRemoveScript = { #only run this code if the variable is defined if ($script:PSCmd) { $script:PSCmd.Runspace.Close() $script:PSCmd.Runspace.Dispose() } #clean up type data to avoid errors on re-importing "PSBlueskySession","PSBlueskySearchResult","PSBlueskyProfile","PSBlueskyFollowProfile" | Remove-TypeData } $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Module.OnRemove += $OnRemoveScript #endregion #region type updates Update-TypeData -TypeName 'PSBlueskySession' -MemberType AliasProperty -MemberName UserName -Value handle -Force Update-TypeData -TypeName 'PSBlueskySession' -MemberType AliasProperty -MemberName AccessToken -Value AccessJwt -Force Update-TypeData -TypeName 'PSBlueskySession' -MemberType AliasProperty -MemberName RefreshToken -Value RefreshJwt -Force Update-TypeData -TypeName 'PSBlueskySession' -MemberType ScriptProperty -MemberName Age -Value { (Get-Date) - $this.Date } -Force Update-TypeData -TypeName 'PSBlueskySession' -MemberType ScriptMethod -MemberName Refresh -Value { Update-BskySession -RefreshToken $this.RefreshJwt } -Force Update-TypeData -TypeName 'PSBlueskySearchResult' -MemberType ScriptProperty -MemberName Age -Value { (Get-Date) - $this.Created } -Force Update-TypeData -TypeName 'PSBlueskyProfile' -MemberType ScriptProperty -MemberName Age -Value { (Get-Date) - $this.Created } -Force Update-TypeData -TypeName 'PSBlueskyFollowProfile' -MemberType ScriptProperty -MemberName Age -Value { (Get-Date) - $this.Created } -Force #endregion #region verbose command highlighting <# a hash table to store ANSI escape sequences for different commands used in verbose output with the private _verbose helper function #> $VerboseANSI = @{ 'Add-BskyImage' = '[1;38;5;122m' 'Find-BskyUser' = '[1;38;5;111m' 'Get-BskyFeed' = '[1;96m' 'Get-BskyFollowers' = '[1;38;5;10m' 'Get-BskyFollowing' = '[1;38;5;208m' 'New-BskyPost' = '[1;38;5;159m' 'Get-BskyNotification' = '[1;38;5;195m' 'Get-BskyProfile' = '[1;38;5;214m' 'Start-BskySession' = '[1;38;5;228m' 'Get-BskySession' = '[1;38;5;197m' Default = '[1;38;5;51m' } #endregion |