using module ./PSAttck/Class/PSAttck.psm1 class Enterprise : PSAttck { [String] $Id [String] $Name [String] $Aliases [String] $Description [PSCustomObject] $Reference [String] $Created [String] $Modified [String] $Stix [String] $Type [String] $Wiki [String] $Contributor static $relationships Enterprise($attckObj) : base() { if (-not([Enterprise]::relationships)){ $relationshipObj = @{} $Global:PSAttckJson.objects.Where{$_.type -eq 'relationship'}.ForEach{ $sourceID = $_.source_ref $targetID = $_.target_ref if(-not $relationshipObj.ContainsKey($sourceID)){ $relationshipObj[$sourceID] = @() } $relationshipObj[$sourceID] += $targetID if(-not $relationshipObj.ContainsKey($targetID)){ $relationshipObj[$targetID] = @() } $relationshipObj[$targetID] += $sourceID [Enterprise]::relationships = $relationshipObj } } $this.Id = $this.SetIdAttribute($attckObj) $this.Name = $this.SetAttribute($attckObj,'name') $this.Aliases = $this.SetListAttribute($attckObj, 'aliases') $this.Description = $this.SetAttribute($attckObj, 'description') $this.Reference = $this.SetReferenceAttribute($attckObj) $this.Created = $this.SetDateTimeAttribute($attckObj, 'created') $this.Modified = $this.SetDateTimeAttribute($attckObj, 'modified') $this.Stix = $this.SetAttribute($attckObj, 'id') $this.Type = $this.SetAttribute($attckObj, 'type') $this.Wiki = $this.SetWikiAttribute($attckObj) $this.Contributor = $this.SetListAttribute($attckObj, 'x_mitre_contributors') } [String] hidden SetIdAttribute($obj){ try { foreach ($ref in $obj.external_references){ if ($ref.source_name -eq 'mitre-attack'){ return $ref.external_id } else{ return 'no external_id found' } } } catch { Write-Error -ErrorRecord $Error[0] -RecommendedAction 'Unable to set Mitre ATT&CK ID Attribute' } return $null } [System.Collections.ArrayList] hidden SetListAttribute ($obj, [string] $name){ $returnObject = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() if ($obj."$name"){ foreach ($item in $obj."$name"){ $returnObject.Add($item) } } return $returnObject } [String] hidden SetAttribute ($obj, [string] $name){ if ($ -match $name){ $tempObj = $obj | Select-Object -Property $name if ($ -match 'name'){ return $tempObj."$name" } else{ return $obj."$name" } } else{ return "No $name attribute found" } } [string] hidden SetDateTimeAttribute($obj, $name){ if ($obj -and ${ $tempObject = $obj | Select-Object -Property $name return [datetime]$tempObject.$name } else{ return "No value for $name property" } } [String] hidden SetWikiAttribute($obj){ try { foreach ($ref in $obj.external_references){ if ($ref.source_name -eq 'mitre-attack'){ return $ref.url } else{ return 'No url attribute found' } } } catch { Write-Error -ErrorRecord $Error[0] -RecommendedAction 'Unable to set Mitre ATT&CK url Attribute' } return $null } [PSCustomObject] hidden SetReferenceAttribute($obj){ $ReturnObject = @() $extId = '' $url = '' $sourceName = '' $descr = '' try { foreach ($ref in $obj.external_references){ foreach ($attr in $ref){ if ($attr.external_id){ $extId = $attr.external_id } else { $extId = 'No external_id attribute found' } if ($attr.url){ $url = $attr.url } else { $url = 'No url attribute found' } if ($attr.source_name){ $sourceName = $attr.source_name } else { $sourceName = 'No source_name attribute found' } if ($attr.description){ $descr = $attr.description } else { $descr = 'No description attribute found' } $props = @{ ExternalId = $extId Url = $url SourceName = $sourceName Description = $descr } $tempObject = New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property $props $ReturnObject += $tempObject } } return $ReturnObject } catch { Write-Error -ErrorRecord $Error[0] -RecommendedAction 'Unable to set Mitre ATT&CK url Attribute' } return $null } } |