#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # MARK: Initialize-ADTFunction # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Initialize-ADTFunction { <# .SYNOPSIS Initializes the ADT function environment. .DESCRIPTION Initializes the ADT function environment by setting up necessary variables and logging function start details. It ensures that the function always stops on errors and handles verbose logging. .PARAMETER Cmdlet The cmdlet that is being initialized. .PARAMETER SessionState The session state of the cmdlet. .INPUTS None You cannot pipe objects to this function. .OUTPUTS None This function does not return any output. .EXAMPLE Initialize-ADTFunction -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet Initializes the ADT function environment for the given cmdlet. .NOTES An active ADT session is NOT required to use this function. Tags: psadt Website: Copyright: (C) 2024 PSAppDeployToolkit Team (Sean Lillis, Dan Cunningham, Muhammad Mashwani, Mitch Richters, Dan Gough). License: .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.Management.Automation.PSCmdlet]$Cmdlet, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.Management.Automation.SessionState]$SessionState ) # Internal worker function to set variables within the caller's scope. function Set-CallerVariable { [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '', Justification = 'This is an internal worker function that requires no end user confirmation.')] [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $false)] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.Object]$Value ) # Directly go up the scope tree if its an in-session function. if ($SessionState.Equals($ExecutionContext.SessionState)) { Set-Variable -Name $Name -Value $Value -Scope 2 -Force -Confirm:$false -WhatIf:$false } else { $SessionState.PSVariable.Set($Name, $Value) } } # Ensure this function always stops, no matter what. $ErrorActionPreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Stop # Write debug log messages. Write-ADTLogEntry -Message 'Function Start' -Source $Cmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -DebugMessage if ($Cmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters.Count) { $CmdletBoundParameters = $Cmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters | Format-Table -Property @{ Label = 'Parameter'; Expression = { "[-$($_.Key)]" } }, @{ Label = 'Value'; Expression = { $_.Value }; Alignment = 'Left' }, @{ Label = 'Type'; Expression = { if ($_.Value) { $_.Value.GetType().Name } }; Alignment = 'Left' } -AutoSize -Wrap | Out-String -Width ([System.Int32]::MaxValue) Write-ADTLogEntry -Message "Function invoked with bound parameter(s):`n$CmdletBoundParameters" -Source $Cmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -DebugMessage } else { Write-ADTLogEntry -Message 'Function invoked without any bound parameters.' -Source $Cmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -DebugMessage } # Amend the caller's $ErrorActionPreference to archive off their provided value so we can always stop on a dime. # For the caller-provided values, we deliberately use a string value to escape issues when 'Ignore' is passed. # if ($Cmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey('ErrorAction')) { # Caller's value directly against the function. Set-CallerVariable -Name OriginalErrorAction -Value $Cmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ErrorAction.ToString() } elseif ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ErrorAction')) { # A function's own specified override. Set-CallerVariable -Name OriginalErrorAction -Value $PSBoundParameters.ErrorAction.ToString() } else { # The module's default ErrorActionPreference. Set-CallerVariable -Name OriginalErrorAction -Value $Script:ErrorActionPreference } Set-CallerVariable -Name ErrorActionPreference -Value $Script:ErrorActionPreference # Handle the caller's -InformationAction parameter, which doesn't always work between them and the module barrier. # if ($Cmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey('InformationAction')) { $Cmdlet.SessionState.PSVariable.Set('OriginalInformationPreference', $Global:InformationPreference) $Global:InformationPreference = $Cmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters.InformationAction } # Handle the caller's -Verbose parameter, which doesn't always work between them and the module barrier. # if ($Cmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey('Verbose')) { $Cmdlet.SessionState.PSVariable.Set('OriginalVerbosePreference', $Global:VerbosePreference) $Global:VerbosePreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Continue } } |