
# MARK: Get-ADTPEFileArchitecture

function Get-ADTPEFileArchitecture
        Determine if a PE file is a 32-bit or a 64-bit file.
        Determine if a PE file is a 32-bit or a 64-bit file by examining the file's image file header.
        PE file extensions: .exe, .dll, .ocx, .drv, .sys, .scr, .efi, .cpl, .fon
    .PARAMETER FilePath
        Path to the PE file to examine.
    .PARAMETER PassThru
        Get the file object, attach a property indicating the file binary type, and write to pipeline.
        Accepts a FileInfo object from the pipeline.
        Returns a string indicating the file binary type.
        Get-ADTPEFileArchitecture -FilePath "$env:windir\notepad.exe"
        An active ADT session is NOT required to use this function.
        Tags: psadt
        Copyright: (C) 2024 PSAppDeployToolkit Team (Sean Lillis, Dan Cunningham, Muhammad Mashwani, Mitch Richters, Dan Gough).

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
                if (!$_.Exists -or ($_ -notmatch '\.(exe|dll|ocx|drv|sys|scr|efi|cpl|fon)$'))
                    $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError((New-ADTValidateScriptErrorRecord -ParameterName FilePath -ProvidedValue $_ -ExceptionMessage 'One or more files either does not exist or has an invalid extension.'))
                return !!$_

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        Initialize-ADTFunction -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState
        [System.Int32]$MACHINE_OFFSET = 4
        [System.Int32]$PE_POINTER_OFFSET = 60
        [System.Byte[]]$data = [System.Byte[]]::new(4096)

        foreach ($Path in $filePath)
                    # Read the first 4096 bytes of the file.
                    $stream = [System.IO.FileStream]::new($Path.FullName, [System.IO.FileMode]::Open, [System.IO.FileAccess]::Read)
                    $null = $stream.Read($data, 0, $data.Count)

                    # Get the file header from the header's address, factoring in any offsets.
                    $PEArchitecture = try
                        [PSADT.Shared.SystemArchitecture][System.BitConverter]::ToUInt16($data, [System.BitConverter]::ToInt32($data, $PE_POINTER_OFFSET) + $MACHINE_OFFSET)
                    Write-ADTLogEntry -Message "File [$($Path.FullName)] has a detected file architecture of [$PEArchitecture]."
                    if ($PassThru)
                        return ($Path | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name BinaryType -Value $PEArchitecture -Force -PassThru)
                    return $PEArchitecture
                    Write-Error -ErrorRecord $_
                Invoke-ADTFunctionErrorHandler -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState -ErrorRecord $_

        Complete-ADTFunction -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet