#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # MARK: Remove-ADTFolder # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Remove-ADTFolder { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove folder and files if they exist. .DESCRIPTION This function removes a folder and all files within it, with or without recursion, in a given path. If the specified folder does not exist, it logs a warning instead of throwing an error. The function can also delete items recursively if the DisableRecursion parameter is not specified. .PARAMETER Path Path to the folder to remove. .PARAMETER DisableRecursion Disables recursion while deleting. .INPUTS None You cannot pipe objects to this function. .OUTPUTS None This function does not generate any output. .EXAMPLE Remove-ADTFolder -Path "$envWinDir\Downloaded Program Files" Deletes all files and subfolders in the Windows\Downloads Program Files folder. .EXAMPLE Remove-ADTFolder -Path "$envTemp\MyAppCache" -DisableRecursion Deletes all files in the Temp\MyAppCache folder but does not delete any subfolders. .NOTES An active ADT session is NOT required to use this function. Tags: psadt Website: Copyright: (C) 2024 PSAppDeployToolkit Team (Sean Lillis, Dan Cunningham, Muhammad Mashwani, Mitch Richters, Dan Gough). License: .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Path, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter]$DisableRecursion ) begin { # Make this function continue on error. Initialize-ADTFunction -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } process { # Return early if the folder doesn't exist. if (!($Path | Test-Path -PathType Container)) { Write-ADTLogEntry -Message "Folder [$Path] does not exist." return } try { try { # With -Recurse, we can just send it and return early. if (!$DisableRecursion) { Write-ADTLogEntry -Message "Deleting folder [$Path] recursively..." Invoke-ADTCommandWithRetries -Command $Script:CommandTable.'Remove-Item' -LiteralPath $Path -Force -Recurse return } # Without recursion, we can only send it if the folder has no items as Remove-Item will ask for confirmation without recursion. Write-ADTLogEntry -Message "Deleting folder [$Path] without recursion..." if (!($ListOfChildItems = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $Path -Force)) { Invoke-ADTCommandWithRetries -Command $Script:CommandTable.'Remove-Item' -LiteralPath $Path -Force return } # We must have some subfolders, let's see what we can do. $SubfoldersSkipped = foreach ($item in $ListOfChildItems) { # Check whether this item is a folder if ($item -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) { # Item is a folder. Check if its empty. if (($item | Get-ChildItem -Force | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0) { # The folder is empty, delete it Invoke-ADTCommandWithRetries -Command $Script:CommandTable.'Remove-Item' -LiteralPath $item.FullName -Force } else { # Folder is not empty, skip it. $item } } else { # Item is a file. Delete it. Invoke-ADTCommandWithRetries -Command $Script:CommandTable.'Remove-Item' -LiteralPath $item.FullName -Force } } if ($SubfoldersSkipped) { $naerParams = @{ Exception = [System.IO.IOException]::new("The following folders are not empty ['$($SubfoldersSkipped.FullName.Replace($Path.FullName, $null) -join "'; '")'].") Category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidOperation ErrorId = 'NonEmptySubfolderError' TargetObject = $SubfoldersSkipped RecommendedAction = "Please review the result in this error's TargetObject property and try again." } throw (New-ADTErrorRecord @naerParams) } } catch { Write-Error -ErrorRecord $_ } } catch { Invoke-ADTFunctionErrorHandler -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState -ErrorRecord $_ -LogMessage "Failed to delete folder(s) and file(s) from path [$Path]." } } end { Complete-ADTFunction -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet } } |