#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # MARK: Initialize-ADTModule # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Initialize-ADTModule { <# .SYNOPSIS Initializes the ADT module by setting up necessary configurations and environment. .DESCRIPTION The Initialize-ADTModule function sets up the environment for the ADT module by initializing necessary variables, configurations, and string tables. It ensures that the module is not initialized while there is an active ADT session in progress. This function prepares the module for use by clearing callbacks, sessions, and setting up the environment table. .PARAMETER ScriptDirectory An override directory to use for config and string loading. .INPUTS None You cannot pipe objects to this function. .OUTPUTS None This function does not return any output. .EXAMPLE Initialize-ADTModule Initializes the ADT module with the default settings and configurations. .NOTES An active ADT session is NOT required to use this function. Tags: psadt Website: Copyright: (C) 2024 PSAppDeployToolkit Team (Sean Lillis, Dan Cunningham, Muhammad Mashwani, Mitch Richters, Dan Gough). License: .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateScript({ if ([System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_)) { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError((New-ADTValidateScriptErrorRecord -ParameterName ScriptDirectory -ProvidedValue $_ -ExceptionMessage 'The specified input is null or empty.')) } if (![System.IO.Directory]::Exists($_)) { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError((New-ADTValidateScriptErrorRecord -ParameterName ScriptDirectory -ProvidedValue $_ -ExceptionMessage 'The specified directory does not exist.')) } return $_ })] [System.String]$ScriptDirectory ) begin { # Log our start time to clock the module init duration. $moduleInitStart = [System.DateTime]::Now # Ensure this function isn't being called mid-flight. if (Test-ADTSessionActive) { $naerParams = @{ Exception = [System.InvalidOperationException]::new("This function cannot be called while there is an active ADTSession in progress.") Category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidOperation ErrorId = 'InitWithActiveSessionError' TargetObject = Get-ADTSession RecommendedAction = "Please attempt module re-initialization once the active ADTSession(s) have been closed." } $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError((New-ADTErrorRecord @naerParams)) } Initialize-ADTFunction -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState } process { try { try { # Specify the base directory used when searching for config and string tables. $Script:ADT.Directories.Script = if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ScriptDirectory')) { $ScriptDirectory } else { $Script:ADT.Directories.Defaults.Script } # Initialize remaining directory paths. 'Config', 'Strings' | & { process { $Script:ADT.Directories.$_ = if ([System.IO.File]::Exists([System.IO.Path]::Combine($Script:ADT.Directories.Script, $_, "$($_.ToLower()).psd1"))) { [System.IO.Path]::Combine($Script:ADT.Directories.Script, $_) } else { $Script:ADT.Directories.Defaults.$_ } } } # Initialize the module's global state. $Script:ADT.Callbacks.Starting.Clear() $Script:ADT.Callbacks.Opening.Clear() $Script:ADT.Callbacks.Closing.Clear() $Script:ADT.Callbacks.Finishing.Clear() $Script:ADT.Sessions.Clear() $Script:ADT.Environment = New-ADTEnvironmentTable $Script:ADT.Config = Import-ADTConfig -BaseDirectory $Script:ADT.Directories.Config $Script:ADT.Language = Get-ADTStringLanguage $Script:ADT.Strings = Import-ADTModuleDataFile -BaseDirectory $Script:ADT.Directories.Strings -FileName strings.psd1 -UICulture $Script:ADT.Language -IgnorePolicy $Script:ADT.TerminalServerMode = $false $Script:ADT.LastExitCode = 0 # Calculate how long this process took before finishing. $Script:ADT.Durations.ModuleInit = [System.DateTime]::Now - $moduleInitStart $Script:ADT.Initialized = $true } catch { Write-Error -ErrorRecord $_ } } catch { Invoke-ADTFunctionErrorHandler -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState -ErrorRecord $_ } } end { Complete-ADTFunction -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet } } |