
# MARK: Exit-ADTInvocation

function Exit-ADTInvocation
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    # Attempt to close down any progress dialog here as an additional safety item.
    $progressOpen = if (Test-ADTInstallationProgressRunning)

    # Flag the module as uninitialized upon last session closure.
    $Script:ADT.Initialized = $false

    # Return early if this function was called from the command line.
    if ($BypassShellExit)

    # If a callback failed and we're in a proper console, forcibly exit the process.
    # The proper closure of a blocking dialog can stall a traditional exit indefinitely.
    if ($Force -or ($Host.Name.Equals('ConsoleHost') -and $progressOpen))
    exit $ExitCode