
# MARK: Convert-RegistryKeyToHashtable

function Convert-RegistryKeyToHashtable
        # Open collector to store all converted keys.
        $data = @{}

        # Process potential subkeys first.
        $subdata = $_ | Get-ChildItem | & $MyInvocation.MyCommand

        # Open a new subdata hashtable if we had no subkeys.
        if ($null -eq $subdata)
            $subdata = @{}

        # Process this item and store its values.
        $_ | Get-ItemProperty | & {
                $_.PSObject.Properties | & {
                        if (($_.Name -notmatch '^PS((Parent)?Path|ChildName|Provider)$') -and ![System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace((Out-String -InputObject $_.Value)))
                            # Handle bools as string values.
                            if ($_.Value -match '^(True|False)$')
                                $subdata.Add($_.Name, [System.Boolean]::Parse($_.Value))
                                $subdata.Add($_.Name, $_.Value)

        # Add the subdata to the sections if it's got a count.
        if ($subdata.Count)
            $data.Add($_.PSPath -replace '^.+\\', $subdata)

        # If there's something in the collector, return it.
        if ($data.Count)
            return $data