
# MARK: Show-ADTInstallationRestartPromptFluent

function Show-ADTInstallationRestartPromptFluent
    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', 'UnboundArguments', Justification = "This parameter is just to trap any superfluous input at the end of the function's call.")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true, DontShow = $true)]

    # Perform initial setup.
    $adtConfig = Get-ADTConfig
    $adtStrings = Get-ADTStringTable

    # Send this straight out to the C# backend.
    Write-ADTLogEntry -Message "Displaying restart prompt with a [$countDownSeconds] second countdown."
    $result = [PSADT.UserInterface.UnifiedADTApplication]::ShowRestartDialog(
        $CountdownSeconds / 60,

    # Restart the computer if the button was pushed.
    if ($result.Equals('Restart'))
        Write-ADTLogEntry -Message 'Forcefully restarting the computer...'
        Restart-Computer -Force

    # Return the button's result to the caller.
    return $result