function Exit-Json { <# .SYNOPSIS Helper function to convert a PowerShell object to JSON and output it, exiting the script .DESCRIPTION A detailed description of the Exit-Json function. .PARAMETER obj This is the object that you are object that you are passing. Typically this is the $results hash table. .EXAMPLE Exit-Json $result .NOTES Additional information about the function. #> param ( $obj ) # If the provided $obj is undefined, define one to be nice If (-not $obj.GetType) { $obj = @{ } } if (-not $obj.ContainsKey('changed')) { Set-Attr -obj $obj -name "changed" -value $false } Write-Output $obj | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 99 Exit } function Set-Attr { <# .SYNOPSIS Sets the attribute of a property .DESCRIPTION adds a value to the property of an object. .PARAMETER obj A description of the obj parameter. .PARAMETER name A description of the name parameter. .PARAMETER value A description of the value parameter. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Set-Attr .NOTES Additional information about the function. #> param ( $obj, $name, $value ) # If the provided $obj is undefined, define one to be nice If (-not $obj.GetType) { $obj = @{ } } Try { $obj.$name = $value } Catch { $obj | Add-Member -Force -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $name -Value $value } } function Fail-Json { <# .SYNOPSIS A brief description of the Fail-Json function. .DESCRIPTION A detailed description of the Fail-Json function. .PARAMETER obj This is the object you are passing in. Typically this is $results hsa the changed =$true/$false hashtable .PARAMETER message pass in a failed message that ansible will display. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Fail-Json -obj $results -msg "This task failed" .NOTES Additional information about the function. #> param ( $obj, $message = $null ) if ($obj -is [hashtable] -or $obj -is [psobject]) { # Nothing to do } elseif ($obj -is [string] -and $message -eq $null) { # If we weren't given 2 args, and the only arg was a string, # create a new Hashtable and use the arg as the failure message $message = $obj $obj = @{ } } else { # If the first argument is undefined or a different type, # make it a Hashtable $obj = @{ } } # Still using Set-Attr for PSObject compatibility Set-Attr $obj "msg" $message Set-Attr $obj "failed" $true if (-not $obj.ContainsKey('changed')) { Set-Attr $obj "changed" $false } write-output $obj | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 99 Exit 1 } function Get-AnsibleParam { <# .SYNOPSIS This is equivalent to the param block of a PowerShell cmdlet. .DESCRIPTION This is how you will pass in the parameters from Yaml file to the powershell script. .PARAMETER obj A description of the obj parameter. .PARAMETER name name of the parameter in ansible yaml file .PARAMETER default the default if none given .PARAMETER resultobj A description of the resultobj parameter. .PARAMETER failifempty equivalent of mandatory .PARAMETER emptyattributefailmessage Custom messages for empty attributes .PARAMETER ValidateSet equivalent to PowerShell validateSet .PARAMETER ValidateSetErrorMessage custom error for validate set .PARAMETER type the type for the parameter. some examples are [string][int] .PARAMETER aliases The aliases for this parameter .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-AnsibleParam .NOTES Additional information about the function. #> param ( $obj, $name, $default = $null, $resultobj = @{ }, $failifempty = $false, $emptyattributefailmessage, $ValidateSet, $ValidateSetErrorMessage, $type = $null, $aliases = @() ) # Check if the provided Member $name or aliases exist in $obj and return it or the default. try { $found = $null # First try to find preferred parameter $name $aliases = @($name) + $aliases # Iterate over aliases to find acceptable Member $name foreach ($alias in $aliases) { if ($obj.ContainsKey($alias)) { $found = $alias break } } if ($found -eq $null) { throw } $name = $found if ($ValidateSet) { if ($ValidateSet -contains ($obj.$name)) { $value = $obj.$name } else { if ($ValidateSetErrorMessage -eq $null) { #Auto-generated error should be sufficient in most use cases $ValidateSetErrorMessage = "Get-AnsibleParam: Argument $name needs to be one of $($ValidateSet -join ",") but was $($obj.$name)." } Fail-Json -obj $resultobj -message $ValidateSetErrorMessage } } else { $value = $obj.$name } } catch { if ($failifempty -eq $false) { $value = $default } else { if (!$emptyattributefailmessage) { $emptyattributefailmessage = "Get-AnsibleParam: Missing required argument: $name" } Fail-Json -obj $resultobj -message $emptyattributefailmessage } } # If $value -eq $null, the parameter was unspecified by the user (deliberately or not) # Please leave $null-values intact, modules need to know if a parameter was specified # When $value is already an array, we cannot rely on the null check, as an empty list # is seen as null in the check below if ($value -ne $null -or $value -is [array]) { if ($type -eq "path") { # Expand environment variables on path-type $value = Expand-Environment($value) # Test if a valid path is provided if (-not (Test-Path -IsValid $value)) { $path_invalid = $true # could still be a valid-shaped path with a nonexistent drive letter if ($value -match "^\w:") { # rewrite path with a valid drive letter and recheck the shape- this might still fail, eg, a nonexistent non-filesystem PS path if (Test-Path -IsValid $(@(Get-PSDrive -PSProvider Filesystem)[0].Name + $value.Substring(1))) { $path_invalid = $false } } if ($path_invalid) { Fail-Json -obj $resultobj -message "Get-AnsibleParam: Parameter '$name' has an invalid path '$value' specified." } } } elseif ($type -eq "str") { # Convert str types to real Powershell strings $value = $value.ToString() } elseif ($type -eq "bool") { # Convert boolean types to real Powershell booleans $value = $value | ConvertTo-Bool } elseif ($type -eq "int") { # Convert int types to real Powershell integers $value = $value -as [int] } elseif ($type -eq "float") { # Convert float types to real Powershell floats $value = $value -as [float] } elseif ($type -eq "list") { if ($value -is [array]) { # Nothing to do } elseif ($value -is [string]) { # Convert string type to real Powershell array $value = $value.Split(",").Trim() } elseif ($value -is [int]) { $value = @($value) } else { Fail-Json -obj $resultobj -message "Get-AnsibleParam: Parameter '$name' is not a YAML list." } # , is not a typo, forces it to return as a list when it is empty or only has 1 entry write-output $value } } Write-Output $value } #Alias Get-attr-->Get-AnsibleParam for backwards compat. Only add when needed to ease debugging of scripts If (!(Get-Alias -Name "Get-attr" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { New-Alias -Name Get-attr -Value Get-AnsibleParam } # Helper filter/pipeline function to convert a value to boolean following current # Ansible practices # Example: $is_true = "true" | ConvertTo-Bool Function ConvertTo-Bool { param ( [parameter(valuefrompipeline = $true)] $obj ) $boolean_strings = "yes", "on", "1", "true", 1 $obj_string = [string]$obj if (($obj -is [boolean] -and $obj) -or $boolean_strings -contains $obj_string.ToLower()) { Write-Output $true } else { Write-Output $false } } Function Parse-Args($arguments, $supports_check_mode = $false) { $params = New-Object psobject If ($arguments.Length -gt 0) { $params = Get-Content $arguments[0] -raw | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable } Else { $params = $complex_args } $check_mode = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "_ansible_check_mode" -type "bool" -default $false If ($check_mode -and -not $supports_check_mode) { Exit-Json @{ skipped = $true changed = $false msg = "remote module does not support check mode" } } write-output $params } #Alias Get-attr-->Get-AnsibleParam for backwards compat. Only add when needed to ease debugging of scripts If (!(Get-Alias -Name "Get-attr" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { New-Alias -Name Get-attr -Value Get-AnsibleParam } Export-ModuleMember -Function * -Alias * |