Function Invoke-PSAksDeployment { <# .SYNOPSIS Performs the provisioning and initial configuration of an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster. .DESCRIPTION Performs the provisioning and initial configuration of an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster. This is mainly composed of : - an AKS cluster - an Azure Log Analytics workspace with the ContainerInsights solution - a Public IP address for the ingress controller - a "management" namespace - Tiller installation and initialization - Nginx ingress controller installation and configuration - cert-manager installation and configuration - a TLS certificate for the ingress controller (to support HTTPS) - secret-propagator This function is mostly an input validation and orchestration layer on top of Terraform. .PARAMETER Subscription The name of the Azure subscription where the AKS instance (and other Azure resources) will be deployed. .PARAMETER ClusterLocation The Azure region where the AKS cluster (and other Azure resources) will be deployed. .PARAMETER LogAnalyticsWorkspaceLocation The Azure region where the Log Analytics workspace will be deployed. This might not be possible to provision the Log Analytics workspace in the same region as the AKS cluster, because Log Analytics is available in a limited set of regions. .PARAMETER ServicePrincipalID The application ID of the Service Principal used by Terraform (and the AKS cluster) to access Azure. .PARAMETER ServicePrincipalSecret The password of the Service Principal used by Terraform (and the AKS cluster) to access Azure. .PARAMETER AzureTenantID The ID of the Azure AD tenant where the Terraform Service Principal (and the target subscription) live. .PARAMETER ClusterName The name of the AKS cluster. The name of the resource group and the cluster DNS prefix are derived from this value. .PARAMETER KubernetesVersion The version of Kubernetes software running in the AKS Cluster. .PARAMETER NodeCount The number of worker nodes in the AKS cluster. .PARAMETER NodeSize The VM size for the AKS cluster nodes. This is more descriptive version of Azure VM sizes, it follows a naming convention as : {VM Family}_{Number of vCPUs}_{Number of GB of RAM} .PARAMETER OSDiskSizeGB The OS disk size (GB) for the cluster nodes. If set to 0, the default osDisk size for the specified vmSize is applied. .PARAMETER MaxPodsPerNode The maximum number of pods that can run on a node. .PARAMETER Environment The type of environment this cluster is for. Some policies may apply only to 'Production' environments. .PARAMETER LetsEncryptEmail The email address used to register with Let's Encrypt and used by the cluster's certificate issuer. .PARAMETER TerraformOutputFolder The root directory where output folders/files will be stored. The most important folders/files are related to the Terraform plan(s) and Terraform state file(s). .PARAMETER ConfigPath To specify all input parameters from a PowerShell data file, instead of at the command line. It is recommended to scaffold this file using "New-PSAksDeploymentConfig" and then, populate/adjust values to your needs. CAUTION : Do not keep this file in source control after populating sensitive data, like the Service Principal secret. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-PSAksDeployment -ClusterLocation 'North Europe' -Subscription 'InfraDev' -ServicePrincipalSecret 'zaWpRr9/YCxNyh8efMvjWbe5JoOiOw03xR1o9S5CLhY=' -ClusterName 'infradev-k8s' -LogAnalyticsWorkspaceLocation 'West Europe' -NodeCount 4 Provisions and configures an AKS cluster according to the parameter values specified at the command line. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-PSAksDeployment -ConfigPath ./Dev_Config.psd1 Provisions and configures an AKS cluster according to the parameter values in the file "Dev_Config.psd1" in the current directory. #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'InputsFromParameters')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0, ParameterSetName='InputsFromParameters')] [string]$ServicePrincipalID, [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=1, ParameterSetName='InputsFromParameters')] [string]$ServicePrincipalSecret, [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=2, ParameterSetName='InputsFromParameters')] [string]$AzureTenantID, [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=3, ParameterSetName='InputsFromParameters')] [string]$Subscription, [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=4, ParameterSetName='InputsFromParameters')] [ValidateLength(3, 29)] [ValidatePattern('^[A-Za-z]{1}[-\w]+\w{1}$')] [string]$ClusterName, [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=5, ParameterSetName='InputsFromParameters')] [string]$ClusterLocation, [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=6, ParameterSetName='InputsFromParameters')] [string]$LogAnalyticsWorkspaceLocation, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, Position=7, ParameterSetName='InputsFromParameters')] [string]$KubernetesVersion = '1.12.5', [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, Position=8, ParameterSetName='InputsFromParameters')] [ValidateRange(1, 100)] [int]$NodeCount = 3, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, Position=9, ParameterSetName='InputsFromParameters')] [ValidateSet('B_2vCPU_8GB', 'B_4vCPU_16GB', 'D_2vCPU_8GB', 'D_4vCPU_16GB', 'D_8vCPU_32GB', 'E_2vCPU_16GB', 'E_4vCPU_32GB', 'F_2vCPU_4GB', 'F_4vCPU_8GB', 'DS_2vCPU_7GB', 'DS_4vCPU_14GB')] [string]$NodeSize = 'D_2vCPU_8GB', [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, Position=10, ParameterSetName='InputsFromParameters')] [ValidateRange(0, 1024)] [int]$OSDiskSizeGB = 30, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, Position=11, ParameterSetName='InputsFromParameters')] # OpenShift sets this to 250 so it's a safe maximum ( [ValidateRange(110, 250)] [int]$MaxPodsPerNode = 110, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, Position=12, ParameterSetName='InputsFromParameters')] [ValidateSet('Dev', 'QA', 'Staging', 'Prod')] [string]$Environment = 'Dev', [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=13, ParameterSetName='InputsFromParameters')] [string]$LetsEncryptEmail, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, Position=14, ParameterSetName='InputsFromParameters')] [string]$TerraformOutputFolder = $env:TEMP, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName='InputsFromConfigFile')] [ValidateScript({ Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf })] [string]$ConfigPath ) Begin { $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' $Null = Disable-AzContextAutosave -Scope CurrentUser If ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'InputsFromParameters' ) { $ConfigKeys = ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Values | Where-Object { $_.Attributes.ParameterSetName -eq 'InputsFromParameters' }).Name $Config = @{} Foreach ( $ConfigKey in $ConfigKeys ) { $Config.Add($ConfigKey, (Get-Variable -Name $ConfigKey -ValueOnly)) } Validate-ConfigKeysAndValues -Config $Config } ElseIf ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'InputsFromConfigFile' ) { $Config = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $ConfigPath Validate-ConfigKeysAndValues -Config $Config Foreach ( $ConfigKey in $Config.Keys ) { New-Variable -Name $ConfigKey -Value $Config[$ConfigKey] -Visibility Public -Force } } $AksDeploymentStartTime = [System.DateTime]::Now } Process { $SelectedSubscription = Set-AzContext -Subscription $Subscription Write-ConsoleLog "Azure subscription : $($SelectedSubscription.Name)" Write-ConsoleLog "Kubernetes Version : $KubernetesVersion" $NodeVMSize = ConvertTo-AzureVMSize -SizeDisplayName $NodeSize Write-ConsoleLog "Input Node size [$NodeSize] maps to : $NodeVMSize" Set-TerraformBackendPaths -RootFolder $TerraformOutputFolder -ClusterName $ClusterName Initialize-TerraformConfigAks $TerraformOutputFolder -ClusterName $ClusterName $AKSConfigParams = @{ SubscriptionId = $SelectedSubscription.Subscription.Id ServicePrincipalID = $ServicePrincipalID ServicePrincipalSecret = $ServicePrincipalSecret AzureTenantID = $AzureTenantID ClusterName = $ClusterName ClusterLocation = $ClusterLocation LogAnalyticsWorkspaceLocation = $LogAnalyticsWorkspaceLocation KubernetesVersion = $KubernetesVersion NodeCount = $NodeCount NodeVMSize = $NodeVMSize OSDiskSizeGB = $OSDiskSizeGB MaxPodsPerNode = $MaxPodsPerNode Environment = $Environment TerraformOutputFolder = $TerraformOutputFolder } Invoke-TerraformConfigAks @AKSConfigParams Set-AksKubeConfig -ClusterName $ClusterName -ClusterId (Get-TerraformOutputValue 'AKS_resource_ID') $IngressCtrlIPAddress = Get-TerraformOutputValue 'ingressctrl_ip_address' Write-ConsoleLog "Ingress controller IP address : [$IngressCtrlIPAddress]" Initialize-TerraformConfigK8s $K8sConfigParams = @{ ClusterName = $ClusterName TerraformOutputFolder = $TerraformOutputFolder # We should not need more than 2 replicas for Tiller TillerReplicaCount = [math]::Min($NodeCount, 2) IngressCtrlReplicaCount = [math]::Min($NodeCount, 2) IngressCtrlIPAddress = $IngressCtrlIPAddress LetsEncryptEmail = $LetsEncryptEmail LetsEncryptEnvironment = If ( $Environment -eq 'Prod' ) {'prod'} Else {'staging'} IngressCtrlFqdn = '{0}.{1}' -f $ClusterName, ($ClusterLocation -replace '\s','').ToLower() Environment = $Environment } Invoke-TerraformConfigK8s @K8sConfigParams } End { Pop-Location -StackName 'PSAksDeployment' Write-ConsoleLog 'Deployment complete.' $AksDeploymentEndTime = [System.DateTime]::Now $AksDeploymentDuration = $AksDeploymentEndTime - $AksDeploymentStartTime Write-ConsoleLog ('Deployment run duration : {0:mm} minutes {0:ss} seconds' -f $AksDeploymentDuration) } } |