# This function serves as a wrapper for invoking Azure OpenAI services function Invoke-AzureOpenAIWrapper { <# .SYNOPSIS This script serves as a wrapper for invoking Azure OpenAI services. .DESCRIPTION This script allows users to interact with various Azure OpenAI services. It imports necessary functions from other scripts, handles the user prompt, calls the appropriate Azure OpenAI function based on the input parameters, and handles any errors that may occur. It also provides options to generate artwork based on the chat output or the initial prompt. .PARAMETER serviceName The name of the Azure OpenAI service to be invoked. This should correspond to the Azure OpenAI service's unique identifier. .PARAMETER Prompt The text to be used for invoking the Azure OpenAI service. This can be provided directly or piped in. .PARAMETER user The username to be used for the service invocation. .PARAMETER ApiVersion The API version to be used for the service invocation. .PARAMETER SystemPromptFileName The filename where system prompts are stored. .PARAMETER Deployment The deployment information for the Azure OpenAI service. .PARAMETER model The model to be used for the service invocation at Pollinations only. .PARAMETER pollinations If this switch is set, the script will generate artwork based on the chat output. .PARAMETER pollinationspaint If this switch is set, the script will generate artwork based on the initial prompt. .PARAMETER ImageLoops The number of times to loop the image generation process. .EXAMPLE PS> .\Invoke-AzureOpenAIWrapper.ps1 -serviceName "serviceName" -Prompt "Hello, world!" -user "user" -ApiVersion "v1" -SystemPromptFileName "ArtFusion2.txt" -Deployment "deployment" -model "pixart" -pollinations -pollinationspaint -ImageLoops 5 .NOTES Author: Wojciech Napierala Date: 2023-06 #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( # Name of the Azure OpenAI service to be invoked [string]$serviceName, # Prompt to be used for the service invocation, can be piped in [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [string]$Prompt, # User name for the service invocation [string]$user, # API version to use for the service invocation [string]$ApiVersion, # File name for system prompts [string]$SystemPromptFileName, # Deployment information for the Azure OpenAI service [string]$Deployment, # Model to be used for the service invocation at Pollinations only [ValidateSet("swizz8", "dreamshaper", "deliberate", "juggernaut")] [string]$model, [switch]$AzureOpenAIImageGenerate, # Switch to trigger pollinations functionality [switch]$pollinations, [switch]$pollinationspaint, [double]$Temperature = 0.6, [int]$N = 1, [double]$FrequencyPenalty = 0, [double]$PresencePenalty = 0, [double]$TopP = 0, [string]$Stop = $null, # Number of times to loop the image generation process [int]$ImageLoops = 1, [int]$seed, [string]$negative, [ValidateSet("1024x1024", "1792x1024", "1024x1792")] [string]$size = "1792x1024" ) begin { Write-Verbose "Importing necessary functions from other scripts" . $PSScriptRoot\AIEventAnalyzer\Invoke-AzureOpenAIChatCompletion.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\Invoke-AzureOpenAIDalle3.ps1 #. .\skryptyVoytasa\pollpromptpaint.ps1 #. .\skryptyVoytasa\pollprompt.ps1 Write-Verbose "Recording the start time of the script" $startTime = Get-Date } # If no prompt is provided, prompt the user for it # Call the Invoke-AzureOpenAIChatCompletion function # Display the chat output # Invoke other Azure OpenAI functions based on the chat output # Generate artwork based on the chat output if $pollinations is set # Skip further processing if there's no chat output # Generate artwork based on the initial prompt if $pollinationspaint is set process { Write-Verbose "Checking if prompt is provided" if (-not $prompt) { $prompt = read-Host "Prompt" } Write-Verbose "Calling the Invoke-AzureOpenAIChatCompletion function and removing unnecessary output" try { $chatOutput = Invoke-AzureOpenAIChatCompletion -APIVersion $ApiVersion -Endpoint "https://$" -Deployment $Deployment -User $User -Temperature $Temperature -N $N -FrequencyPenalty $FrequencyPenalty -PresencePenalty $PresencePenalty -TopP $TopP -Stop $Stop -Stream $false -OneTimeUserPrompt $prompt -SystemPromptFileName "$PSScriptRoot\prompts\ArtFusion2.txt" $chatOutput = $chatOutput.replace("**Long Description**: ", "") $chatOutput = $chatOutput.replace("Response assistant (assistant):", "") $chatOutput = $chatOutput.replace("`n", " ") $chatOutput = $chatOutput.TRIM() } catch { Write-Host "Error in Invoke-AzureOpenAIChatCompletion: $_" -ForegroundColor Red return } Write-Verbose "Checking if there's output from the chat completion" if ($chatOutput) { Write-Verbose "Displaying the chat output" Write-Host $chatOutput -ForegroundColor Cyan $promptaddstring = "" $dallePrompt = $chatOutput + $promptaddstring Write-Verbose "Checking if the AzureOpenAIImageGenerate switch is set" if ($AzureOpenAIImageGenerate) { Write-Verbose "Invoking other Azure OpenAI functions based on the chat output" try { Invoke-AzureOpenAIDALLE3 -serviceName $serviceName -prompt $dallePrompt -ImageLoops $ImageLoops -user $user -size $size } catch { Write-Host "Error in Invoke-AzureOpenAIDALLE3: $_" -ForegroundColor Red } } Write-Verbose "Extracting width and height from size" $dimensions = $size.Split('x') $width = $dimensions[0] $height = $dimensions[1] Write-Verbose "Checking if the pollinations switch is set" if ($pollinations) { Write-Verbose "Generating artwork based on the chat output" try { if ($model) { Generate-Artwork -model $model -Prompt $chatOutput -Once -ImageLoops $ImageLoops -seed $seed -negative $negative -width $width -height $height } else { Generate-Artwork -Prompt $chatOutput -Once -ImageLoops $ImageLoops -seed $seed -negative $negative -width $width -height $height } } catch { Write-Host "Error in Generate-Artwork: $_" -ForegroundColor Red } } } else { Write-Verbose "Skipping further processing as there's no chat output" Write-Host "skipping..." -ForegroundColor DarkRed } Write-Verbose "Checking if the pollinationspaint switch is set" if ($pollinationspaint) { Write-Verbose "Generating artwork based on the initial prompt" try { if ($model) { Generate-ArtworkPaint -model $model -Prompt $prompt -Once -ImageLoops $ImageLoops -seed $seed -negative $negative -width $width -height $height } else { Generate-ArtworkPaint -Prompt $prompt -Once -ImageLoops $ImageLoops -seed $seed -negative $negative -width $width -height $height } } catch { Write-Host "Error in Generate-ArtworkPaint: $_" -ForegroundColor Red } } Remove-Variable -Name prompt, chatOutput -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } # Record the end time of the script # Calculate the total execution time # Clean up variables used in the script to free up memory end { Write-Verbose "Recording the end time of the script and calculating the total execution time" $endTime = Get-Date $executionTime = ($endTime - $startTime).TotalSeconds Write-Host "Execution time: $executionTime seconds" -ForegroundColor Yellow Remove-Variable -Name startTime, endTime, executionTime -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } |